Will salmonella die from yolks in a water bath? Do eggs contain salmonella? Checking at home

The temperature at which Salmonella dies in eggs depends on the level of heating. When boiling - instantly. You have visited the site correctly: depending on the source, they write that salmonella is killed by temperature... but the number is changed. It is impossible to understand how to cook as the values ​​change.

The pathogen was first discovered during outbreaks of typhus. In 1880, Ebert saw it in the spleen removed from a dead body. Typhoid fever is part of the Salmonella genus - the appearance of the pathogen and the etiology of the disease differ slightly. Salmonella is more resistant in the external environment than typhoid bacillus. Otherwise, it would be more difficult for humanity to survive.

Salmonella survival rate

The bacterium is not afraid of frost - it stops reproducing and goes into hibernation. As it thaws, the struggle for existence will begin again. Confusion over temperature limits has made it difficult to find information. People misunderstand the meanings of reproduction and existence.

Salmonella multiplies in the range from 10 to 40 degrees, but does not die when it goes beyond the limits. Growth is possible within the range from 7 to 48 degrees Celsius. Below 10, the speed of the process decreases greatly. Experts say there are strains that grow at a temperature of 4 degrees.

Readers understand why the refrigerator maintains a temperature of +5 degrees Celsius. IN the latest models There is a Freshness Zone for vegetables and fruits, where conditions close to zero are maintained. Here the growth of bacteria is completely blocked.

Conditions of death (according to Wikipedia):

  1. At 55 degrees – for one and a half hours.
  2. At 60 degrees – in 12 minutes.
  3. At 70 degrees – within 60 seconds.

The principle of pasteurization was created on this principle - heating the product to 63 degrees for half an hour (pathogenic microflora dies, with the exception of botulism agents). Products retain maximum useful properties. Pasteurized milk is safe.

The situation with meat is much more complicated. Inside, Salmonella exhibits increased resistance. It dies in 10 minutes at a temperature of 75 degrees. Exception: the Senftenberg strain is ten times resistant. The effectiveness of heat treatment decreases with increasing percentage of fat in products.

pH factor

There is no point in finding out the temperature at which salmonella multiplies on products - more effective destruction measures are known. Marinating in vinegar - the acid greatly lowers the pH factor of the medium, bacteria are destroyed. Botulism is eliminated, which is difficult to treat by boiling.

Salmonellosis is stable within the pH range from 3.7 to 9.5. Feels better in the range from 6.5 to 7.5 (alkaline environment). Trying to kill him with caustic soda is not best idea. Acid is more productive. Housewives add it when canning.

In the stomach, the acidity of the medium (hydrochloric) reaches one. Most of the salmonella die. The stomach is an obstacle to pathogenic microflora. In the intestine, the contents of chyme become alkaline.

Don't guess how long it takes to cook the eggs - just add vinegar to the recipe. The latter happens in the case of mayonnaise. Acidity is not low enough. The measure reduces the ability of the microbe to reproduce. In a jar of cucumbers, sealed for the winter, the microbe will probably die.


Salmonella does not reproduce in dry environments. Need moisture. Don't expect the microbe to die from thirst. Storage will last for years (chocolate). The shelf life of salmonella is greatly extended by the increased fat content.

How to cook

The microbe is difficult to kill when frying fried eggs. In Israel, owners of catering establishments post notices asking visitors to assume the risk. Fried eggs will be served, but safety will not be guaranteed. Boiling kills the microbe instantly.

If we take production, when making egg powder, the white and yolk are pasteurized. There is no possibility of transmitting the microbe further by including the product in confectionery products. Cake often causes infection.

Oysters are popular in the West - coastline states is relatively large. Shellfish are sources of infection.

Doctors do not recommend shopping at retailers. There is no guarantee that products will pass proper laboratory controls. Large enterprises are trying to reduce the number of sick animals and birds. It is not recommended to cook fried eggs.

Salmonella Senftenberg

Serovar is resistant to heat. In laboratory conditions, scientists decided to study measures sufficient to destroy the microbe. The strain was placed in conditions with a temperature range from 54 to 65 degrees Celsius. The goal is to revise the pasteurization technique and evaluate its applicability to the pathogen. The test subject demonstrated results at 60 degrees.

.5 myths about quail eggs

Quail eggs are now held in special esteem - they can be found for sale in the market and in almost every supermarket. They cost more than chicken ones, but people are willing to pay more. Everyone believes that these eggs are a panacea for all diseases. But is it? The answer was given by the experts of the show “Everything will be fine.”

Quail is a feathered relative of domestic chickens and wild pheasants. This bird is found in the wild. However, ever since people learned about the benefits of quail eggs, they have tried to tame it. And yet they achieved their goal. The first attempts at domestication were made by the ancient Egyptians and Chinese. In ancient papyri and medical treatises there are many references to the usefulness of these small spotted eggs.

However, the Japanese were able to finally convince the world that quail should be a poultry. In 1945, after the explosion of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japanese scientists were looking for a product that could boost immunity and resist radiation. And they assumed that these were quail eggs. Later, the Japanese found that these eggs also have an extremely positive effect on the mental abilities of children. Therefore, now in this most technologically developed country it is legally enshrined that the breakfast of a Japanese schoolchild several times a week must necessarily contain several quail eggs. The fame of the miracle product reached Ukraine. Today, on store shelves next to chicken eggs you can see quail eggs, which are very popular among the people and are called a panacea for all ailments. It remains only to figure out what is really true and what is just an exaggeration.

Belief #1

“Firstly, all eggs (chicken, goose, duck, ostrich, quail) are more or less identical in composition,” says Svetlana Fus. - All eggs contain a similar set of nutrients: vitamins and minerals, protein and amino acids. The only difference is the amount of a particular vitamin or mineral. I suggest studying the table, which shows the amount of nutrients per 100 grams of product. There are 1.5 chicken eggs and 8 quail eggs per 100 grams.”

Vitamin B1 - 137 mcg (quail), 49 mcg (chicken)

Vitamin B2 - 1100 mcg (quail), 500 mcg (chicken)

Vitamin A - 1180 mcg (quail), 78 mcg (chicken)

Iron - 404 mg (quail), 88 mg (chicken)

Potassium - 620 mg (quail), 124 mg (chicken)

Quail eggs are healthier than chicken eggs in almost all respects. Of course, for some indicators (such as protein, phosphorus, calcium) the difference is insignificant. But in terms of such indicators as vitamin A, B, PP, iron, the advantage is significant in favor of quail eggs.

“And the price is also different,” says Svetlana Fus. - If chicken ones cost an average of 80 kopecks per piece, then quail ones will cost you 1 hryvnia 60 kopecks per piece! That is, twice as expensive..."

Nutritionist Svetlana Fus recommends eating 6 quail eggs 3-4 times a week for adults. And half an egg daily or 3 eggs a week for small children. But this is if you completely exclude the intake of chicken eggs. If you leave chicken eggs in your diet, then follow the formula: 1 chicken egg equals 6 quail eggs.

Belief №2


“This opinion is based on the fact that quails do not suffer from salmonellosis,” says Andrey Babaev. - This is due to the fact that chickens have a body temperature of 40.5-42 degrees, and quails - 41-43. This protects quails from massive diseases of salmonellosis. Indeed, at higher body temperatures, the salmonella virus dies. But! If quails are kept in poor conditions (for example, cramped cages) and fed low-quality expired feed, then their natural immunity is reduced. And in such cases, cases of salmonellosis infection in birds are possible. Therefore, in no case should you rule out this possibility and drink quail eggs raw, especially if you are not sure about the manufacturer!”

Quail eggs must be boiled. Before cooking, they must be washed. They cook soft-boiled for 2-3 minutes, hard-boiled for 4-5 minutes. The salmonella bacterium dies after 3 minutes at boiling temperature, that is, 100 degrees.

Belief №3


“Very often you can hear that one of the components of the protein ovomucoid, contained in quail eggs, does not cause allergic reactions, but on the contrary, it helps in the treatment of allergies,” says Svetlana Fus. - This is not entirely true. The fact is that ovomucoid in some cases may itself be an allergen. Quail eggs (as well as chicken eggs) should be carefully introduced into a child’s complementary foods! You should always pay attention to whether the body has any allergic reactions to eggs within 4 days. And only then give the child quail eggs more or less regularly. This can only be done after the child is 7 or more months old.”

Belief #4


“Quail eggs have more calories than chicken eggs! - says Svetlana Fus. - The nutritional value per 100 g of product for chicken eggs is on average 148 kcal, and for quail eggs - 158 kcal. This is due to the increased fat content in the yolk of quail eggs (11 g versus 10 g in chicken eggs). And since the energy value of fat is twice as high as protein, quail eggs are more nutritious.”

Quail eggs are not divided into categories: dietary and table, like chicken eggs. This is all due to the fact that they can be stored for up to 25 days without deteriorating or losing their quality. Interesting fact: Stale eggs will be almost weightless. The thing is that quail eggs are rich in the antibacterial substance lysozyme, which prevents bacteria from multiplying, so they dry and crumble, and do not go rotten, like chicken eggs. But a fresh egg will weigh on average 10-12 grams.

Belief #5


“A fairly common myth about quail eggs is that they are so low in cholesterol that even heart patients can eat them,” says Svetlana Fus. - But it turns out that there is even more cholesterol in quail eggs than in chicken eggs. 100 g of chicken eggs contain 540 mg of cholesterol, and quail eggs contain an average of 600 mg. Why do nutritionists advise heart patients to eat quail eggs? It's simple! The high cholesterol content in quail eggs is balanced by the record content of lecithin for eggs, which neutralizes the negative effects of cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, unlike chicken eggs. Lecithin is needed by the body as a building material for renewing damaged cells. This is the main thing vehicle to deliver nutrients to cells and a powerful antioxidant."

How choose quail eggs

“In the supermarket, check all the eggs so that there are no cracks,” says Andrey Babaev. - Be careful and do not take damaged ones. There is a risk that these particular eggs may be contaminated with salmonellosis. But if this has already happened, and you notice at home that you accidentally bought a cracked egg, then don’t feel sorry for it and throw it away! Eating such eggs is more expensive for your health. And be sure to store quail eggs in the refrigerator in a closed tray separately from other products. To exclude salmonella infection from other products. Salmonella bacteria can appear in animal products if animals are not slaughtered properly, or if meat is stored in unsanitary conditions, or if meat is stored at improperly elevated temperatures. And then, through cracks in the shell, the bacteria enters the eggs and infects them.”

“The peculiarity of quail eggs is their longer shelf life! - says Andrey Babaev. - But when you buy quail eggs, and especially if you are giving these eggs to a child for the first time, I advise you to pay attention not only to the production date, but also to the appropriate storage conditions. After all, this can change everything. Only when stored in a refrigerator at a temperature from zero to 8 degrees is it permissible to sell eggs within 25 days. Therefore, pay attention to the conditions in which eggs are stored. For example, if eggs are on the market in direct sunlight in the summer, it is naturally better not to buy them.”

In addition, you can also check the egg for freshness at home:

1) During frying, the protein spread quickly, almost like water. Since fresh protein is thick, slightly viscous and almost does not spread.

2) The yolk, after cooking, became very, very whitish. This means the yolk is not fresh. Since a fresh yolk should be yellow.

Using an ovoscope you can learn more about the freshness of quail eggs. An ovoscope is a device with a hole through which a beam of light is directed; an egg is inserted into the hole, the light shines through it. You can make such a device at home by making a hole in cardboard and placing a lamp on the other side. Then look at the egg through the light:

If the yolk is in the center, the egg is fresh.

A large air chamber means the egg is not the freshest.

The yolk is shifted to the side or next to the shell, the egg is also not very fresh and has begun to dry out.

The color of quail eggs - gray and spotted - remains from the time when quails were wild and hid their eggs in grass and stones. And this color appeared in the process of natural survival in order to disguise them. The shape depends on the breed of quail. After all, there are a lot of them: Japanese quails, marbled quails, British black quails, Pharaoh quails... And they all have small variations in the shape and color of the eggs. This does not affect the taste and benefits.

Quail eggs are sold in different packages. Each package has its own advantages. The plastic one will protect from moisture and helps to preserve the eggs more reliably during transportation, but the paper one will allow the eggs to “breathe”, that is, it will provide access to air.

Salmonellosis is known to many people. It seems that this infectious disease is understandable in nature. They say you can get it by eating raw eggs or undercooked chicken. People believe that this disease is rare and can be easily treated.

However, medical scientists themselves urge people not to trust myths about salmonellosis, because its danger is often underestimated. As a result, people may be risking their health without knowing it. So what is true and what is false in such statements?

Chickens are carriers of salmonellosis. This terrible infection comes not only from chickens, but from poultry and animals in general. Humans also play a certain role in the spread. At the same time, not only those who already have salmonellosis, but also simply a carrier can help the infection. The person himself does not see any symptoms of the disease in himself, but he can transmit salmonella further. When examining chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry, salmonella is found in almost half of the cases. But an equally significant indicator - about 40% is also observed in rodents. The dangerous infection is widespread among wild birds such as sparrows, pigeons, gulls and starlings. Even cats and dogs are carriers of salmonella in 10% of cases. Sheep, pigs, and cattle are also carriers. So don't blame the chickens alone for everything.

The sources of infection are chicken eggs. In fact, there is no salmonella in fresh eggs at all. It just so happens that particles of chicken droppings fall on the eggs, which contain dangerous bacteria. Some time passes - from 4 hours to 5 days, the infection penetrates through the shell into the egg and infects it. That is why before using an egg you should first wash it with soap.

You can safely eat boiled and fried eggs. The pathogen actually dies from heat treatment. However, it is worth understanding what kind of processing will be considered correct. For example, you can eat scrambled eggs without fear of salmonellosis if, after frying on one side, the dish is turned over to the other, yolk side down. This way of cooking will certainly destroy salmonella bacteria. It is clear that eating raw eggs is risky.

Salmonella will die in the freezer. Unfortunately for us, these bacteria are very tenacious. They do well in the external environment. For example, bacteria can live in water for up to 5 months, in meat and sausage for 2-4 months, in frozen meat for up to six months, and in frozen poultry carcasses for more than a year. The bacteria can survive in milk for up to 20 days, in kefir for 2 months, in butter for up to 4 months, and in cheese for up to a year. In egg powder, the bacteria will live from 3 to 9 months. It is worth noting that in some products, such as meat and dairy, salmonella can also multiply quite successfully without changing appearance products and their taste. Salting and smoking have virtually no effect on bacteria, and freezing generally preserves them, increasing their lifespan.

There is no salmonella in quail eggs. In fact, scrambled quail eggs are safe to eat only if you fry them on both sides. Birds become infected due to poor care and improper feeding. Most often, the source of infection is feed, which includes processed animal raw materials. It's about about large and small cattle, pigs. If such food is given to quails in a poultry house, which will also be kept in poor, hot conditions, then salmonella will appear in these birds. So quail eggs cannot be considered safe in this regard.

After cutting raw meat with a knife, it is enough to simply rinse it. In fact, people most often become infected with salmonellosis due to their carelessness. Raw meat - pork, beef - may contain salmonellosis bacteria. That is why it is not enough to simply rinse the cutting board and knife after cutting. It is best to generally thermally treat the dishes in which the cutting took place. Ideally, every housewife should have a special knife and board specifically for raw meat. It is unacceptable to put bread or vegetables into the dishes that contained raw poultry or animal meat. And it is better to immediately place leftover food suitable for consumption in the refrigerator, because bacteria begin to multiply quickly at room temperature.

Salmonellosis most often affects children. You should not rely on the fact that this disease is actually more often diagnosed in children. It’s just that children are much more susceptible to the disease. In adults, salmonellosis occurs in a mild form. This is similar to common food poisoning or indigestion. Classic symptoms of salmonellosis are stomach cramps, headache, nausea, vomiting, heat, constipation or diarrhea. These symptoms will manifest themselves within 12-48 hours after eating food with salmonella. A mild form of the disease will go away within a week, but to treat severe cases, antibiotics are indispensable.

You can recover from salmonellosis yourself. Currently, the Internet provides a lot of information for self-medication, and you can buy any antibiotic in pharmacies. Is it really impossible to cope with salmonellosis yourself? This myth can actually be made about any disease. However, it is worth remembering that salmonellosis is an infectious disease that can also take a chronic form. Then you can’t do without hospital treatment. A person who is a carrier of infection is most dangerous for newborns. After all, while babies are under one year old, they are especially sensitive to all intestinal infections. So not only should you not self-medicate, you should not treat children yourself. This will already be a direct risk to their lives.

Is it possible to kill yourself with chicken eggs? It turns out that it is quite possible - the microbe Salmonella enterica lives in a product familiar to every housewife. According to statistics, salmonellosis takes the leading place in the number of deaths caused by food poisoning.

The bacterium is especially dangerous for elderly people and people with weak immune systems. And it becomes more difficult to cure strong people every year - salmonella has lost sensitivity to a whole range of diseases. Therefore, you need to remember the dangers when you want to eat a chicken egg.

Where is the pathogen located?

It is a resident of the intestinal tract of domestic birds - chickens, ducks, geese. But since geese and ducks are rarely eaten, infection occurs to a greater extent due to crested laying hens.

Among poultry, approximately a quarter of chickens and 70 percent of geese and ducks are infected with salmonella. The birds themselves do not get sick - they are carriers of the microbe.

Salmonella can be found in eggs and poultry meat. The top of the egg is covered with a porous calcareous shell. Due to the fact that the egg passes through the bird's cloaca, it is contaminated with a huge number of microorganisms, including salmonella.

Eggs become infected not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Salmonella penetrates the shell and, getting into the protein, begins to actively multiply.

How is the infection transmitted?

In summer, raw foods are always a danger. But eggs with salmonella can be dangerous not only in summer, but also in the harshest winter.

No matter how much you refrigerate the product, the bacteria will not die - it can live and multiply in the refrigerator for up to 12 months. By eating a raw product or preparing a protein-based cream for a cake, a person runs the risk of getting pathogenic salmonella.

Interesting fact! Salmonella penetrates human cells so quickly that scientists propose using it in the fight against viruses - the microbe can become a kind of transport for delivering medicines to diseased organs.

But this will come true in the future. Today, salmonella is the most dangerous bacterium, from which you can die, and which is almost impossible to detect by any signs on the product - contaminated meat or eggs may not smell or change.

The main danger is that salmonella affects foods adjacent to harmful eggs and the walls of the refrigerator.

A person can become infected with salmonellosis in catering establishments where sanitary standards are not always observed and eggs are purchased cheaper from unscrupulous suppliers.

Eggs may be broken and not sanitized. All kinds of desserts, dishes, and baked goods are prepared from them, and people run the risk of contracting salmonella simply by eating a serving of ice cream on a hot day.

Does salmonellosis occur in quail eggs?

Quails have a body temperature much higher than chicken (40 degrees), so salmonella practically does not live in quail meat - it is very difficult for it to multiply there. And even if it lives, the bacteria will not be able to penetrate into the egg - the thin, fragile shell has much smaller pores, unlike a chicken shell.

Those who like eggnog, fried eggs or creams should prefer quail eggs.

They are healthier than chicken eggs, containing three times more microelements and vitamins. Quail eggs are recommended for small children due to their hypoallergenic properties.

How to check a product for infection?

Salmonella can only be detected in a product. But the risk of contracting the bacteria is much lower if the eggs purchased are fresh. Their shelf life at a storage temperature of 0-25 degrees is, according to GOST, 25 days from the date of sorting.

Eggs purchased at the local market are not marked, but their freshness can be checked in a simple way– Place in a container of cold water. Stale ones will turn over and rise with the blunt end up; very old ones may even float up.

If, after breaking an egg, you see that the yolk is very smeared, has lost its shape and has spread out into the white, then there is a possibility that it has been laid for a long time.

Preventive measures against infection

The bacteria are killed by boiling and frying at temperatures above 70 degrees. At 100 degrees it dies within 3 minutes. Therefore, you should not take risks and enjoy eggs “in a bag”, or fried eggs.

For eggs, temperature treatment should be at least 10-15 minutes after the water boils. When cooking scrambled eggs, you should not try the unfried dish or lick the spatula.

Other preventive measures must be followed:

  • for cutting raw foods, use a separate board and knife;
  • store raw and cooked foods on separate shelves in the refrigerator;
  • cook chicken meat for at least 1.5 hours;
  • Be sure to boil whole milk;
  • Eggs must be washed with detergent before use.

The onset of salmonellosis is very similar in symptoms to the flu. High fever, aching bones, and headache appear. At the first signs of illness, you need to call a doctor, and then your timely diagnosed illness will not result in unpleasant complications.

Video on how to check eggs for freshness and protect yourself from salmonellosis:

Infection of eggs by pathogenic microorganisms also occurs through exogenous and endogenous routes.

Particularly dangerous are waterfowl eggs, which are often infected with salmonella. Salmonella that enter the egg develop unhindered in it, since lysozyme does not affect them. The greatest danger among salmonella are: S. enteritidis, S. cholerae suis, S. typhimurium, S. newport, S. dublin, S. anatum, etc. In this regard, sell duck and goose eggs in grocery stores, markets and sell them in raw form via the network Catering forbidden.

Pullorosis is the most common salmonellosis in chickens. The main source of infection in pullorosis is bacteria-carrying chickens, from which eggs infected with S. pullorum and S. gallinarum are obtained. Such eggs hatch into chickens with pullorosis, which release the pathogen into the external environment. These salmonellas were previously considered harmless. It is now known that the consumption of eggs infected with S. pullorum and S. gallinarum is one of the causes of foodborne illnesses in humans. The most favorable environment for the development of salmonella is the yolk.

In addition to salmonella, Vibrio cholerae and other pathogenic microorganisms, including tuberculosis agents, can penetrate the egg through the pores of the shell. M. avium is most often found in chicken eggs. Eggs obtained from chickens with tuberculosis and chickens suspected of this disease are used for food purposes only at industrial food industry enterprises after preliminary heat treatment. Sales of such eggs through trading network and catering establishments are prohibited.

The causative agent of mycoplasmosis (Mycoplasma galhsepticum) is transmitted mainly by the transovarian route. Endogenous infection of eggs is also observed with pathogens of plague, cholera, etc. Endogenous infection of food eggs with viruses can also be observed when poultry are immunized with live viral vaccines used in industrial poultry farming.

In addition, endogenous infection of eggs is possible in diseases of the ovaries and oviducts of various etiologies. In this case, eggs can be infected with staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Proteus bacillus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, fluorescent bacilli and other microorganisms.

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