Japan is the birthplace of sexual perversions. Sexual perversions of the peoples of the world Which country has the most depraved women

IN modern world there is hardly a country in which there would be no women of easy virtue. Many modern tourists simply cannot be satisfied with only excursions and travels, so spending leisure time in an exotic way is now gaining popularity.

In some countries, there are a lot of representatives of the oldest profession. Let's compile the top of such states in terms of the ratio of prostitutes to 10 thousand population:

Thailand is no secret to anyone that many people go there just for such switches, although this “profession” is prohibited by law in this country.

The number of such "workers" per 10,000 people is 45 people.

Germany - in this country, this profession is recognized as legal. The work of prostitutes is established here, and their number per 10,000 people is 49 ladies.

Malaysia is a country, one might say, of lawlessness, as people often fall into slavery in it. In this state, 52 “priestesses of love” fall on 10,000 Malaysians.

Brazil - here it is not forbidden by law to make love for a certain fee, although it is punishable if it develops into a certain organization for prostitution. There are 53 women of easy virtue per 10,000 Brazilians.

China - here, as in most countries, services of this kind are prohibited. Nevertheless, there are more representatives of this profession here than in some states where this "fishing" is allowed. Their number is 60 per 10,000 people.

Nigeria - is considered a paradise for divorced women. There is a whole market for the services of such young ladies. And besides, it grows all the time.

Philippines - in this country, prostitutes are also called "bargirls". They are also constantly checked for the presence of diseases that may accompany them in the course of work. There are 85 women workers in this industry for every 10,000 Filipinos.

Peru - in this country, the law is on the side of girls who provide themselves for a fee. Their number is 102 per 10,000 Peruvians.

South Korea - ranks second among countries where the number of prostitutes exceeds all norms - 110 per 10,000 population. There is a constant struggle of power to eradicate this profession, but all in vain.

Venezuela is the leader of our hit parade. A country where prostitution gives many a chance to survive due to the difficult economic situation in the country. There are 199 representatives of this one of the oldest professions for every 10,000 people.

1. In Japan, on Valentine's Day, they show sympathy and give gifts to girls. I won’t tell you what this tradition is connected with, but today it performs an important social function: it allows girls to say “yes” without waiting until a Japanese man has the courage to approach her.

2. In Japan, fish and meat are cheap, but fruits are very expensive. One apple costs two dollars, a bunch of bananas five. The most expensive fruit is a melon, a variety like our "torpedo" will cost two hundred dollars in Tokyo.

3. In Japan, pornography is sold absolutely everywhere. In every combi (grocery store), on the counter with the press, there is always a separate shelf with hentai. In small bookstores, hentai makes up a third of the entire assortment, in large bookstores, 2-3 floors are allocated for pornography.

4. Hentai is allowed to be sold freely to minors.

5. The two most popular sub-genres of hentai are violence and sex with minors.

6. Wrapped in a cover, hentai is calmly read on the subway.

7. The Japan Subway and JR have women-only carriages. They are attached in the morning so that no one harasses the girls during rush hour. The Japanese are voyeurs, and groping girls in crowded trains is something of a national sport.

8. At the same time, Japan has one of the lowest percentages of rapes in the world. Five times less than in Russia. It seemed to me important to note this, after all that I have said above.

9. Most Japanese characters are 2-4 syllables long, but there are surprising exceptions. For example, the character 砉 reads like “hanetokawatogahanareruoto”, these are thirteen syllables! Describes the sound made when flesh is separated from bone.

10. The issue of honor still plays a central role in Japan, even in politics. The last prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama, resigned after failing to deliver on a campaign promise (sic!). Two of his predecessors too.

11. Japan is a small country, but there are a lot of big things here. Here is the most expensive amusement park in the world, Disney Sea, four of the ten highest roller coasters. Tokyo has the most developed subway system in the world, the largest railway hub and the largest mixed pedestrian crossing.

12. In Japan, it is customary to sculpt snowmen strictly from two balls, and not three, as in the rest of the world. And then the Japanese excelled.

13. Colonel Sanders is one of the main symbols of Christmas in Japan, like Coca-Cola in the USA. On Christmas Eve, the Japanese like to go to KFC with the whole family and eat a large portion of chicken wings.

14. In Japan, 30% of weddings still occur as a result of matchmaking and お見合い (omiai) arranged by parents.

15. In all the northern cities of Japan, where snow falls in winter, sidewalks and streets are heated. There is no ice, and the snow does not need to be removed. Very comfortably!

16. However, there is no central heating in Japan. Everyone heats the apartment as best they can.

17. In Japanese, there is a word 過労死 (Karoshi) meaning "death by overwork." On average, 10,000 people die each year with this diagnosis. Studio Ghibli director Yoshifumi Kondo, author of my favorite whisper of the heart, died with this diagnosis.

18. Japan has one of the most liberal tobacco laws. You can smoke everywhere except railway platforms and airports.

19. Japan is the last country in the world to formally retain the title of Empire.

20. The Japanese imperial dynasty has never been interrupted. The reigning Emperor Akihito is a direct descendant of the first Emperor Jimmu, who founded Japan in 711 BC.

21. Japan turns 2671 this year.

22. The Japanese are constantly talking about food, and when they eat, they discuss how they like the treat. Having dinner without saying “oishii” (delicious) a few times is very impolite.

23. In general, the Japanese love repetition. When girls do it, it's considered kawaii.

24. The Japanese language uses three types of writing at the same time: Hiragana (a syllabary system for writing Japanese words), Katakana (a syllabary system for writing borrowed words) and Kanji (hieroglyphic writing). Crazy, yes.

25. There are no guest workers in Japan. This is achieved by a simple law: the minimum wage for which a foreign worker is allowed to be employed in Japan is higher than the average wage for a Japanese worker. Thus, the way to the country remains open for highly paid specialists, and unskilled visiting labor does not dump the wages of local residents. Solomon's decision.

26. More than half of the railways in Japan are private. Non-state carriers are responsible for 68% of the country's total rail traffic.

27. Hirohito was never removed from power, after the war he led the reformation and ruled until 1989. Hirohito's birthday is a national holiday and is celebrated every April 29th.

28. Mount Fuji is privately owned. In the Shintaist temple of Hongyu Sengen, a donation from 1609 was preserved, with which the Shogun transferred the mountain into the possession of the temple. In 1974, the authenticity of the donation was confirmed by the Supreme Court of Japan, after which he had no other choice but to transfer the mountain to the property of the temple. Because property rights in Japan are inviolable.

29. The Japanese language consists of several levels of politeness: colloquial, respectful, polite, and very polite. Women almost always speak in a respectful form of the language, men in colloquial.

30. Seven percent of the male population of Japan is Hikkikomori. Seven!!!

31. In Japanese, months do not have names, instead they are indicated by serial numbers. For example, September is 九月 (kugatsu), which means "ninth month".

32. Before Japan opened up to the west, the only word to describe romantic affection was 恋 (koi), literally meaning "irresistible attraction to something unattainable."

33. Japan is a mono-ethnic country, 98.4% of the total population are ethnic Japanese.

35. Dolphins are eaten in Japan. They make soup, cook kushiyaki (Japanese kebab), and even eat it raw. The dolphin has rather tasty meat, with a pronounced taste and completely unlike fish.

36. There are practically no personal pronouns in the Japanese language, and those words that are sometimes used as pronouns have at least one more meaning. In Russian, for example, the pronoun "I" does not mean anything but "I", and in Japanese 私 (vatashi, I) also means "private, personal"; 貴方 (anata, you) - "my master". It is polite to use “anata” only at the first meeting, then it is customary to address the interlocutor by name or position.

37. Tokyo is the safest metropolis in the world. Tokyo is so safe that six-year-olds take public transportation on their own. This is fantasy actually.

38. The Japanese consider the outside world very dangerous and are afraid to travel. So a Japanese woman friend once asked me if it would be too dangerous for her to stop alone in the Kensington Gardens area in London. They consider the United States the most dangerous country.

39. The ninth article of the Japanese constitution forbids the country to have its own army and participate in wars.

40. In Japan, the school year begins on the first of April and is divided into trimesters. Schoolchildren study from April to July, then September to December and from January to March.

41. There are no garbage cans in Japan, as all garbage is recycled. Waste is divided into four types: glass, incinerable, recyclable and non-incinerable garbage. Each type of waste is taken out on a specific day and it can be thrown away only on strictly allotted dates. There is a large fine for violating the procedure, in my house it is one hundred thousand yen (about a thousand dollars).

42. There are also no trash cans on the streets at all, only special bins for collecting bottles. An illustrative example of what is clean where they do not crap.

43. Japan has very low pensions. The maximum social allowance for distressed old people is 30,000 yen, which is about three hundred dollars. There is also no compulsory pension insurance, it is assumed that every Japanese must take care of his old age himself.

44. Godzilla (Japanese for Gojira) is not an accidental name. It is a portmanteau of the words "Gorilla" and "Kujira" (whale). One can only guess how they interbred so that a reptile turned out.

45. Transport in Japan is very expensive, the cheapest subway ticket will cost 140 yen (50 rubles).

46. ​​In Japan, men are always served first. In a restaurant, a man is the first to place an order, and the drink is brought to him first. In stores, they always greet the man first.

47. The Japanese drive big cars. City cars are impossible to meet even in close Tokyo, but there are a lot of jeeps.

48, In all my time in Japan, I have never seen a toilet without heated seat and less than 10 buttons. I recently discovered that the toilet in my house can make the sound of running water to hide, uh, its own sounds.

49. Everyone in Japan knows that Hello Kitty comes from England.

50. Tipping is strictly not accepted in Japan. It is believed that as long as the client pays the appointed price for the service, he remains on an equal footing with the seller. If the buyer tries to leave extra money, he thereby devalues ​​the service / product provided to him, reducing the equal exchange to handouts.

51. During the year of my life in Japan, I have never encountered manifestations of racism against myself. I think it's very cool.

52. Japan is the best country in the world.

53. Japanese MTV is running the popular series Usavich, a cartoon about two birds with one stone, Putin and Kiriyenko, trying to survive in a police state.

54. The age of consent in Japan is 13.

55. Japan is three times the size of England. The area of ​​Japan is 374,744 km², England 130,410 km².

56. Japan is often cited as an example of an overpopulated country. In fact, Japan's population density is only 360 people per square kilometer. This is less than in England, where there are 383 people per square kilometer.

57. In Japanese, the words “wrong” and “different” are denoted by the same word 違う (chigau).

58. Things have taken root in Japan that seemed to be the future twenty years ago, and today leave a strange retro-futuristic impression. Automatic taxi doors, vending machines selling everything from fruit to soups to used underpants. Fantastically shaped trains and funny fashion. All this is very cool.

59. The Japanese word 御来光 (goraiko) describes the sunrise seen from Mount Fuji. There are many capacious words in Japanese.

60. Hitler admired the integrity of the Japanese nation and called them "honorary Aryans". In apartheid South Africa, the Japanese were the only ones who weren't disenfranchised because they were considered "honorary whites".

61. Japanese phones have a built-in national emergency alert system. When some kind of cataclysm occurs, a loud beep sounds on all phones (even if the sound was turned off) and a message appears explaining what happened and how to behave.

62. There is no looting in Japan. If you type “looting in japan” into Google, you will only find tens of thousands of surprised foreigners who cannot understand why empty houses are not robbed in Japan.

63. The Japanese hardly speak English, but they use a fantastic amount of anglicisms. Alex Case tried to make a list, counted over 5000 words and got tired of continuing (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) At the same time, their Japanese pronunciation distorts them so much that you can not hope to understand them, or that they will understand you if you pronounce the word with the original accent.

64. Few people know that the words “wata”, “pollock” and “ivashi” are borrowed from Japanese. I think everyone knows about the “tsunami” and “typhoon”.

65. Japanese also has borrowings from Russian. The words イクラ “ikura; caviar” and ノルマ “noruma; norm". There is also funny expression“ヴ・ナロード” “wu people; to the people”, it was inherited from Alexander II.

66. Japan has the death penalty. Eight criminals were executed in Japan last year. The last two executions were attended by the Minister of Justice of Japan.

67. Japan has the lowest homicide rate and the lowest violent crime rate per 100,000 population of all countries analyzed. Here is the highest average duration life in the world.

68. Tokyo has one of the largest gay areas in the world, Shinjuku-Ni-Chome. It has the largest concentration of gay bars in the world.

69. Japanese and Chinese characters are the same. There are regional differences: there are more characters in Chinese and in a simplified form they are written differently. But knowing Japanese, you can understand the general meaning of Chinese signs.

70. Instead of a signature in Japan, they put a special nominal seal of hanko. Every Japanese has such a seal and it is used many, many times a day. You can also buy it at any store.

71. Japan is the only country in the world where the criterion for a train being late is a minute mark.

72. In Japan, it is considered impolite to open a gift in front of the giver. They thank him for it, after which they set aside to open it in private.

73. The Japanese believe that a person should be able to hide suffering behind a smile. There is even a saying 顔で笑って心で泣く (kao de waratte kokoro de naku; smile while you suffer inside).

74. The Japanese are a nation of very passionate people. If they do something, they strive for complete authenticity. So, in all French bakeries, Japanese inscriptions are duplicated in French. In the Italian gelateria, the ice cream will be signed in Italian, and in the Spanish restaurant, the menu will be in Spanish. In English, however, there will be nothing. Sometimes it seems that for them it is just “another European language”.

75. In Japan, property rights are strictly observed, so there are dozens of companies with more than a thousand years of history. For example, the Hoshi Ryokan Inn has been in continuous operation since 718. It has been run by the same family for 46 generations (sic!).

76. Tanuki - wayward Japanese werewolf animals that bring happiness and prosperity. Their eggs are a traditional symbol of good luck. The canonical happiest tanuki has an egg area of ​​8 tatami, which is 12 meters. In case of trouble, they bear retribution with them. Studio Ghibli has a wonderful Pom Poko cartoon about them, check it out.

77. Two-thirds of Japan is covered with forests. Japan prohibits commercial logging of its own forests, but it consumes 40% of all timber that is mined in tropical forests.

78. For 10 years, from 1992 to 2002, Japan was the largest donor of international aid in the world. This is by the way to everyone who is now gloating over the Japanese misfortune.

79. When the conductor enters the next car of a high-speed train, he always takes off his hat and bows, and only then begins to check the tickets.

80. In Japan, the third way was successful, which we have been looking for for a long time and will never find. Here is a unique organization of society: on the one hand, a completely Western legal state, on the other, a distinctive culture that lives not only by traditions, but is constantly evolving. I don't understand why no one in Russia studies the Japanese experience.

Did you know that according to statistics, only 53% of Americans have sex at least once a week, 55% of the British and 59% of Canadians? The situation is no better for the French, who were once recognized as the best lovers - only 46%. But Russians, if they are not lying, have sex at least once a week - 61%. An impressive overall result. But there is another - according to a Durex survey - Russians, like passionate lovers, were in the penultimate place (Poles in the last). That is, maybe the Russians do it often, but somehow not very well, in order to be good and convincing. How best to satisfy a partner is well known in Brazil, but they have absolutely no idea about it in Japan (Russia is again in the penultimate place). But the first sexual experience happens to Russians at the age of 14 (here we are on a par with Greece), but we are strongly overtaken by the same Japan, Mexico and, for some reason, Austria, where this happens to teenagers at the age of 12. So, here you a list of countries where you can find the best sex partner who will fulfill all your desires in the best possible way:


Here are the most beautiful women. Honestly, they love and care for their bodies so much that not a single European woman obsessed with her own appearance dreamed of. Here are the most beautiful men. They take care of themselves, no less than women. Both of them have so many bloodlines mixed up that it is already difficult to understand whose grandfather or great-grandfather was brought from Angola or another African country. Both sexes have ideal facial features and impressive physiques. After all, this is where thong panties were born.
Where to look for love: in Rio, in the Lapa district, the most party place, full of clubs and bars. The girls there are ready for anything. But it is better to “pick up” young people on the beaches. But what are we talking about? They will pick you up.


In May 2008, the Mexican government gave away 700,000 copies of sex allowances to everyone. For what? To make it clearer how to dance horizontal tango, and protect yourself from unpleasant consequences in the form of venereal diseases and unwanted pregnancy. Apparently, the Mexicans eagerly began to master this scientific work. And, although prostitution is officially prohibited in Mexico, in the Tijuana region, many young ladies will offer you all the amenities at a low price. And on the beaches of Cancun - for nothing. But there you can run into an American tourist, who will then write you tearful letters, and the pleasure will not be the same - tourists, after all, are more clamped.
Where to look for love: Of course, in the big resorts - Cancun's discos and bars like Baby Lobster Bar or Thai Bar - both have well-deserved reputations for picking up hot babes. Also, if not too lazy, visit Cabo San Lucas and Puerto Vallarto. Well, we already talked about Tijuana.


Spanish men are recognized lovers. Mark has to hold on, not for nothing that one of the methods of masturbation was called “Spanish”. Latino machos, according to statistics, can satisfy their partner longer than other residents European countries. “Spanish fly” (Spanish fly) is also, as you understand, a local discovery. But they don't use it. For what? They are doing well anyway, and the average act lasts 24 minutes according to the most conservative estimates (in Russia - 11 minutes, compare). And, if females are most often unattractive here, and even, in some places, extremely blinkered, then men are the dream of any sane woman.
Where to look for love: in Barcelona - the most cheerful and dissolute city in Spain. And, of course, in Ibiza. But this is only if you are not yet 27 years old. Older people look a little dissonant among the crowd of young and fit people.


Neutral in all respects, Switzerland is very advanced in terms of sex. In general, if you prioritize, the Swiss are worried about three things - money, sex and cheese. Here in that order. In addition, these people have a thorough approach to everything in the world - still, the ability to count money imposes a great responsibility. In addition, prostitution is legally allowed here, and, according to statistics, every year 350,000 Swiss visit women of easy virtue. This is more than the Dutch with their famous Red Light Districts.
Where to look for love: in Zurich. There are a lot of hangout places with beautiful pliable blondes.


In this country, the traditions of sex are so ancient that there were not even half of the countries on the whole Earth, as here they not only fucked with might and main, but also “invented” homosexuality. At that time, if anyone is not in the know, knowledge from an experienced warrior was passed on to boys not only through combat training, but also, let's say, a joint nightly pastime. It was not shameful - on the contrary, a boy who did not sleep with his teacher was considered defective. Well, and, then, the island of Lesbos is also located in Greece, if you forgot. And, if the girls here are quite modest (except for the tourists, of course), then the young men with long eyes are always at your disposal. So, this warm Mediterranean paradise is, in fact, only for female vacationers.
Where to look for love: Everywhere. Firstly, directly, in Athens, in the “old city” there are many funny cafes and taverns. On the island of Corfu - a famous pickup location. And, of course, on the island of Mykonos - the largest and most beautiful Paradise Beach, where clothes disappear from tanned bodies by themselves.


From an outsider's point of view, Malaysia is a very conservative country. For example, Beyoncé's concert was banned here, because politicians decided that a half-naked mulatto on stage looks too depraved and can jar the best feelings of young people. Or, let's say, there was a long and tedious discussion about whether to introduce such a subject as "sex education" into the curriculum of high school education. In the end, we decided it wasn't worth it. Meanwhile, the Malaysians are doing it. Many and often. Carefully studying the Chinese treatise “Peach Branch” (this is something like the Indian Kama Sutra, only cooler). Evidence of this is the Minister of Health of Malaysia, who in 2008 was forced to leave his post after his recordings with homemade porn were published.
Where to look for love: In Kuala Lumpur - in all clubs and bars. Or on the beaches. Girls are not altruists and are given only for money, but they work out every penny in full and even with bonuses.


Austria is famous for its psychoanalysts Freud and Jung, who sincerely believed that all nervous diseases stem from sexual dissatisfaction. And, besides, a variety of museums dedicated to "this case" - from the Museum of Sex to the Museum of Torture. In addition, the School of Sex was recently opened here, where for the amount of one and a half thousand euros you will be taught all the wisdom of love. At least they promise. Also, don't forget the porn. Yes, it is clear that the best filmed in Germany, but did you know that almost all male porn actors are Austrians by nationality. Yes, they are ok in size.
Where to look for love: In Vienna, in all clubs. On the other hand, if you are a pretty enough girl, it is enough just to sit for half an hour in some bakery-coffee house with a thoughtful expression on your face and with a book in your hands. You will definitely get noticed. In addition, there is a good reason to visit the city of Salzburg in the summer, where thousands of highly intelligent adventurers come for Mozart's birthday.

8. Holland

No comments. In the country of coffee shops, sex museums and red light districts, finding a partner is extremely easy. The truth is, most likely, for the money. Until the 15th century, the authorities of Amsterdam tried to protect respectable citizens from prostitutes and did not allow them to enter the walls of the city. However, over time, for the priestesses of love, their own area of ​​\u200b\u200bDe Wallen was nevertheless allocated, where sailors ruled from the 14th century.
Where to look for love: There are three red light districts in the capital of the Netherlands: De Wallen, the largest and most famous among tourists. It occupies several blocks next to the ancient Ude Kerk church and represents hundreds of shop windows-dwellings, behind the windows of which prostitutes are waiting for their clients, Singelgebied next to Lijnbaan Steeg and Nieuwstraat and Ruysdaelkade near Sarfatipark (Sarphatipark)

In Thailand

In the modern 21st century, the topic of sex is open to everyone. The times when there was no sex in the USSR are long gone and now everyone can openly discuss, read, watch and not hide the fact that sex is still present in the country.

If there are countries where sex is not so open, then there are more explicit countries. I wonder what is the most depraved country in our world? Oddly enough, the capital of sex is considered a small town in southern Thailand. Whatever the rating, if its theme is on a sexual theme, then Thailand will be in first place and is not inferior to it for quite some time. for a long time nobody. What is happening in the town that she deserves such a title? That is what this article will be about.

Pattaya - the capital of sex

Pattaya is the centerpiece of not only Thai places, but generally ranked first among the sex industries in the world. The fact is that at almost every step you can make sure that this is a depraved country. There is a great abundance of prostitutes, and their role is played not only by women by nature, but by men “converted” into women. You won't find something like this anywhere else. Many visitors to the town claim that sex is in the air, thanks to the active obsession with sex everywhere and always.

Walking street is considered the main street of debauchery, although the activity here goes off scale only after 7 pm. This is an exclusively nocturnal city, where tourists sleep during the day and actively entertain themselves at night. And here you can admire not only prostitutes, but also have the opportunity to taste fried cockroaches, grasshoppers, scorpions and other living creatures.

It is believed that almost only men come here to relax, who, under various pretexts, left their chosen ones and came to diversify their life and sex life. Visitors and guests of the country are representatives of all countries, there are plenty of Russian representatives who feel completely comfortable there - there are sellers, prostitutes who understand Russian, there are restaurants and cafes for Russians. So all the conditions for recreation are fully created.

Inexpensive sex tourism

Tourists can enjoy not only carnal pleasures with prostitutes, but also specially staged shows where women demonstrate the art of owning their genitals - drinking drinks through a straw, smoking cigarettes, drawing and other demonstrations that Thai girls cope with without problems. Also, men can have fun and relax in "go" bars, where not only the opportunity to admire women's bodies is provided, but also to rent a girl they like.

Prices for prostitutes in this country are not expensive. If girls from bars still have a certain price, then street prostitutes agree to everything, even for next to nothing. There are multiple stories when girls agree to sex even for food, or any amount that tourists offer. But, as they say, a coin always has two sides. If cheapness, accessibility can attract the male sex, then the consequences should just scare away. After all, it is no secret that such girls do not have medical certificates that their health is in order, and even if there is a certificate, then where is the guarantee that it is not fake? And as it turns out, diseases are just teeming there, which is just not there. Therefore, there are also millions of stories about all kinds of diseases that men bring with them from vacation. What then do married men not have to go to in order to avoid intimacy with their wife until they undergo treatment or the test results are ready.

But there are also negative consequences.

True, the sores of tourists do not stop, and every year millions of tourists come to visit the country, whom the country did not attract with its architectural sights. The most interesting thing is that most often they go there out of great curiosity to make sure that it is true that everyone is talking about the town.

When visiting such a city, it is important to remember that any trip can result in unforeseen consequences. Therefore, it is best to go on such a tour to a single man who does not have to deceive his soul mate.

Last week, Bloomberg published a rating of countries according to the degree of depravity of their inhabitants. The propensity of citizens to an immoral lifestyle was determined on the basis of a combination of data on the amount of alcohol, cigarettes, various drugs consumed and on losses from gambling as a percentage of GDP. Zambia turned out to be the most innocent country in the world, but Russia entered the top ten most vicious. You can find out which countries made up her company in this list from our selection.

(Total 10 photos)

The most vicious country in the world was the Czech Republic. Moreover, her love of the population “summed up” not so much to beer and absinthe (in terms of alcohol consumption, the Czech Republic is only in 4th place), but to drugs - here the Czechs were in second place after safely avoiding falling into the top ten in the United States. Oddly enough, it is the Czech Republic that ranks first in the world in terms of cannabis consumption. At the same time, the Netherlands did not even enter the top ten in this indicator.

2. Slovenia

Slovenia seems to be on this list quite by accident. This country is not in the lead (and is not even in the top three) in any of the indicators. Apparently, the inhabitants of Slovenia adhere to the principle of "a little of everything", thanks to which they ended up in second place in the most vicious countries in the world.

3. Australia

Australians are the most addicted to ecstasy in the world. Also, Australia is 3rd in the world in terms of losses from gambling and the use of amphetamines.

4. Armenia

Armenia was included in this list mainly because of the gambling of its inhabitants. In terms of losses from gambling as a percentage of GDP, the country is in second place and is second only to the Philippines.

5. Bulgaria

Bulgaria is the most smoking country in the world. This is an average of 2.822 cigarettes per year per adult in the country.

6. Spain

This beautiful country, known throughout the world for its wine, is discredited by the addiction of the inhabitants not to it at all, but to cocaine - here the Spaniards have the maximum indicator. We suspect that the island of Ibiza, famous for its nightclubs, plays an important role in this story. Remarkably, Colombia, known as one of the world's major producers and suppliers of cocaine, according to Bloomberg, almost does not use it itself.

7. Bosnia and Herzegovina

Residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina consume the least alcohol of all the countries on this list. And the least in the world, according to Bloomberg, they drink in Lebanon. The place in this list of Bosnia and Herzegovina was ensured mainly by the addiction of residents to smoking and gambling.

Did you think that Russia in the eyes of Bloomberg analysts was defamed by addiction to vodka? - not at all! Our country ranks modestly 6th in the world in alcohol consumption, 3rd in cigarette consumption and 2nd after the US in opioid use. But in Russia, according to Bloomberg, now there are practically no losses from gambling - here, along with El Salvador and Guatemala, we have the lowest rate in the world.

9. Belarus

It would seem that what can be vicious in totalitarian Belarus? It turns out that Belarusians drink a lot - according to Bloomberg - the most in the world! In the top three in this indicator, they were accompanied by residents of Ukraine and Estonia.

10. Greece

Greece became the second in the world in terms of the number of cigarettes consumed. In other vicious categories, her performance is not too remarkable.

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