Space-planning solutions for buildings and structures. Selecting a space-planning solution when designing an individual residential building 2 space-planning solutions for multi-storey residential buildings

The space-planning solution of a residential building is developed on the basis of the functional solution of the building, taking into account all the processes occurring in the home and the relationships between them. This is done on the basis of zoning.

Depending on the nature of life processes occurring in the premises of the home, they are divided into two main functional areas. First intended for rest, sleep and possibly study (bedroom). Second for household processes, communication, receiving guests, relaxation, i.e. for daytime and evening activities (common room - dining room-living room, kitchen, bathroom, utility rooms).

The first zone should be as far as possible from noise sources (kitchen, living room, front room), and consist of bedrooms that are not accessible. The second should be with a convenient connection between all the daily activity areas and the entrance to the apartment.

Depending on the position in the building and in relation to the ground level, several types of floors are distinguished: above-ground - when the floor level of the premises is not lower than the planning ground level; basement - the floor of the premises is located below the planning mark, but not more than half the height of the room; basement - the floor is ruined by more than half the height of the premises; attic – the premises are located in the volume of the attic.

The technical underground is intended for laying utility networks. If it is necessary to zoning sanitary systems in high-rise buildings, technical floors are arranged in which utility networks and equipment are located.

When determining the number of floors of a building, the number of floors includes all above-ground floors, including the attic and basement, if the top of its floor is at least 2 m above the planning level of the ground.

If there are different numbers of floors in individual parts of the building or if it is located on a site with a large slope, the number of floors is determined separately for each part of the building.

Living rooms in apartment buildings and dormitories are allowed to be placed only in above-ground and attic floors, while the height of the floor from floor to floor must be equal to 2.9 m, and the height of residential premises from floor to ceiling must be at least 2.5 m. In special climatic conditions (subdistricts IA, IB, IG, ID, IVA), the floor height should be 3.0 m, and the height of living quarters from floor to ceiling should be at least 2.7 m. The height of corridors leading to utility rooms must be at least 2.1 m.

The height of basement, ground and technical floors must be at least 1.9 m from the floor to protruding structures or utilities.

In the first, second and ground floors of residential buildings it is allowed to place premises of trade, catering, consumer services, premises for working with children and adolescents. Exceptions are large trade and public catering enterprises and enterprises whose operation may disrupt the normal life of the population (noise, odors, fumes, etc.). All public premises must have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building. Loading of trade and public catering establishments with goods and products must be done from the end of a building that does not have windows, or from special unloading premises with access to them from the street.

According to its space-planning structure the most widespread are multi-apartmentsectional houses , in which groups of apartments are located floor-by-floor around one staircase-elevator unit and have entrances from staircase landings or from elevator halls.

Sectional houses are acceptable in any climatic region, convenient for planning medium-sized mass-type apartments, and are implemented in simple design schemes with complete unification of elements. Sectional houses are the most economical to construct and are effective in providing apartments with engineering amenities.

Features of the space-planning structure of a sectional house is the presence one communication node(entrance, vestibule, staircase) to a group of apartments included in the section (or block section).

Sectional houses are distinguished according to certain typological characteristics; number of storeys, length, number of apartments, orientation.

The length of a sectional house is determined by the number of sections or block sections that make it up. Depending on the number of floors, length and type of sections, the number of apartments in the building also varies.

The residential section is a cell consisting of several apartments located around a staircase. Sections and block sections differ in their location in the building plan, the number of apartments that make them up, and orientation.

According to their location in the building plan, sections are divided into ordinary, end, corner rotary, and insert sections. The basis of the plan is made up of ordinary sections. A section can consist of two to eight apartments. However, for low- and medium-rise buildings, sections of two, three and four apartments are used.

The number of apartments and their planning relative position determine the possible orientation of the section according to the cardinal points, and therefore a distinction is made between meridional and latitudinal sections. The meridional sections have a limited orientation, the latitudinal sections have a free and partially limited orientation (see Fig. 6.1).

Rice. 6.1 Schemes of block sections: a) - latitudinal with free and partially limited orientation; b) – meridional of limited orientation; 1 – 4 - number of rooms

The two-apartment sections have two-sided orientation of the apartments (Fig. 6.2), which determines their cross ventilation and free orientation of the house in the building. Therefore, despite being less economical, two-apartment sections are widely used in the southern regions and for two-story sectional houses in different climatic regions. Semi-detached sections can consist of apartments of the same or different sizes. As a rule, these are large apartments with 3 to 5 rooms so that the width of the building is as large as possible.

Rice. 6.2. Duplex section.

The location of kitchens and sanitary facilities largely determines the layout of the apartment. They can be located adjacently or separately, but in such a way that the sanitary blocks of adjacent apartments are joined at the inter-apartment wall, on both sides of the staircase, or joined with apartments in adjacent sections. When the kitchen and sanitary facilities are placed separately in the apartment, the number of risers in the section increases, but at the same time a clear zoning in the layout of the premises is achieved.

Three-apartment sections are more economical than two-apartment sections. They have a partially limited orientation (the orientation of one of the facades is limited), which provides them with sufficient urban planning maneuverability. In these sections, as a rule, two apartments have a two-way orientation and through ventilation, and one, smaller apartment has a one-way orientation (Fig. 6.3). The layout of such a section can be symmetrical (with two identical apartments) and asymmetrical (with all apartments different in size and number of rooms).

Rice. 6.3 Three-apartment section.

Since apartments in a three-apartment section are designed to be small, kitchens and sanitary facilities are usually placed adjacent to each other. Kitchens and bathrooms in side apartments are located at the entrance to the apartment near the staircase or in the back of the apartment. In the latter case, the bathrooms of adjacent sections are blocked. In the middle apartment, the kitchen and bathroom are located opposite the staircase, and it is possible to block the kitchen and bathroom from the adjacent apartment.

Four-apartment sections are somewhat more economical than three-apartment sections. These sections are divided into two groups: sections of limited orientation (meridional), in which all apartments have one-way orientation, and sections of partially limited orientation (latitudinal), where two apartments have one-way orientation and two have two-way orientation.

Latitudinal four-apartment sections (Fig. 6.4) are similar in orientation to three-apartment sections, but the layout of the apartments here is somewhat worse. In addition, more apartments than in three-apartment sections do not have cross ventilation.

Fig.6.4. Four-apartment sections (latitudinal and meridional).

Meridional four-apartment sections with small economical apartments in appropriate orientation conditions were used in mass housing construction. However, in the further design and construction of low- and medium-rise buildings, preference should be given to three- and two-apartment sections, as they are more comfortable.

In addition to apartments, the premises of sectional houses include service and utility rooms, the nature of which depends on specific conditions - the construction site, the degree of improvement, etc.

In the basement of the house there can be storerooms for storing household equipment (strollers, bicycles, sleds, skis, etc.), garages, pantries for storing food (for rural areas), and in the case of temporary equipment, stoves burning wood or coal , - fuel storage sheds. Installing a basement increases the cost of construction, so utility rooms should not be located under each section, but should be combined in one place.

The entrance to the residential building of a sectional structure is through the staircase. At the entrance to the staircase, a vestibule with a depth of at least 1.2 m is required, the doors of which must open outward. The vestibule is placed under the intermediate platform of the staircase (two flights). Its height must be at least 2 m, which, with a floor height of 2.8 m, determines the level of the first floor floor above the sidewalk or blind area at a level of at least 0.85 m (Fig. 6.5).

Rice. 6.5. The solution to entering a residential building without an elevator: a) - directly through the stairs; b) – through the lobby.

Stairs are an important element of a sectional house. The location of the stairs, their shape, and dimensions depend on the general planning structure of the section. The correct solution for stairs creates appropriate amenities, meets fire safety requirements, and affects the economics of construction and operation of the building.

According to their structure, the stairs of a low- and medium-rise residential building can be one-, two-, or three-flight and should be located in the staircase. In climatic regions IV and IIIB, the construction of external open staircases made of fireproof materials is allowed. The exit to the outside from the basement and ground floors should not communicate with the staircase of the residential part of the building (except for a two-story building).

Staircases should have natural light through windows in the external walls. In two- and three-story buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, it is allowed to design lighting with natural light through skylights in coverings of at least 1.5 × 2.5 m in size. In this case, it is necessary to make a gap between flights (with two flight stairs) of at least 0.7 m. Staircase lighting with overhead light is usually done when it is located in the center of the section.

The slope and width of the staircase determine the degree of its convenience. The standards determine the greatest slope and the smallest width of the marches (Table 2). The number of ascents in one flight must be no less than 3 and no more than 18. The width of landings should be no less than the width of the flight and no less than 1.2 m.

Table 6.2. The smallest permissible width of flights of stairs and their greatest slope

Fundamental changes are being made to the layout of 2-4-storey sectional houses during high-density development. In this case, an increase in density is achieved thanks to the original blocking of houses using closed and semi-enclosed courtyards, galleries for the southern regions.

Stairs in such houses can be located in the center of the section and illuminated by overhead light through a lantern or side light through the patio (Fig. 6.6). This contributes to the possibility of significant expansion of the building, which makes low- and medium-rise buildings quite competitive in terms of economic indicators with higher-rise buildings. Such development is cost-effective for equipping houses with all types of sanitary equipment. In it you can create urban comfort of living and at the same time bring you closer to the ground level, nature, which is so necessary for a city person.

Fig.6.6. An example of a high-density building with staircases lit through courtyards.

There is another type of house, which is characterized by developed horizontal communications - corridors connected to vertical communications, i.e. with stairs and elevators. Such houses are called corridor houses , in which apartments are located on both sides of the corridor.

The positive qualities of corridor residential buildings compared to sectional ones are the following: more economical, because they have fewer staircases and elevators; economical use of vertical communications; possibility of using wide buildings (about 14-15 m); reducing the number of entrances to the building (Fig. 6.7). All this allows the use of houses of this type in some extreme areas where it is necessary to protect homes from the effects of dust storms (in semi-deserts and deserts), from strong winds with snowstorms. Based on the conditions for the appropriate use of corridors, it is advisable to place one- or two-room apartments in houses of this type.

Fig.6.7. Architectural and planning structure of a corridor-type residential building.

The disadvantages of these houses include the one-sided orientation of the apartments, which reduces urban planning maneuverability when developing a site with these houses (only meridional or close to it orientation is possible), less isolation of apartments than in sectional houses, lack of cross ventilation, and therefore their use is possible only in areas where such ventilation is unnecessary or unacceptable. Ventilation of apartments in houses of this type is possible only through windows at the ends of the corridors with natural light, as well as through light breaks.

For the southern regions (IV and partially III climatic regions) gallery houses , apartments in which are located along floor-by-floor open or glazed galleries, connected by floors with staircases. The gallery is, as a rule, an unheated open or glazed horizontal communication room.

The gallery structure ensures good sanitary and hygienic qualities of the apartments, which receive a two-way orientation and cross-ventilation (Fig. 6.8). The gallery, being a means of horizontal communication, at the same time protects apartments from overheating, which is very important in the southern regions. However, it is not advisable to locate such houses in the northern regions, since they have a very large relative area of ​​​​external fences, and therefore significant heat loss is observed. In addition, in conditions of snow drifts, the operation of galleries is difficult.

Fig.6.8. Architectural and planning structure of a gallery-type residential building.

Apartment rooms in gallery buildings should be located so that non-residential premises (hallway, kitchen, bathrooms) are facing the gallery, as the noisiest part of the house, and bedrooms are facing the opposite side of the house. In general, apartments in a gallery building should be developed in depth. This helps to widen the body and reduce the structural pitch of the transverse load-bearing walls, which makes the house more economical.

Typically, apartments in such houses are small; if larger apartments are needed, they are located on two levels. This layout allows the bedrooms, which are located on the upper level, to be well isolated from the gallery. In this case, the galleries are located across the floor at the level of the entrances to the apartments, and the apartment floors are connected via an internal staircase.

Thus, in a four-story building, two rows of apartments are placed in height, and in a five-story building, in addition, small apartments are arranged on the same level on the first floor.

Houses of 3–5 floors, connected by galleries, with a certain layout form dense residential complexes that are economically feasible and correspond to the everyday life and architectural traditions of southern cities.

For small cities or towns, they are often used blocked houses , which are several isolated blocks of apartments adjacent to each other with a separate exit from each apartment to the apartment area.

The number of blocks included in the house depends on various conditions (nature of the site, terrain, degree of fire resistance of the house, etc.) and can include from 4 to 16 apartments with linear blocking, and with complex blocking - much more.

Blocked houses, as a rule, are built with one or two floors. In two-story houses, apartments are located on two levels (cottage type) or on one level on each floor (floor-by-floor arrangement). There may be options with a half-floor offset.

To increase the building density, three-story block houses can also be used. In our country, such houses have recently begun to gain some popularity, since under certain conditions they combine economic, social and aesthetic effects.

A block house, while retaining all the amenities of one- and two-apartment houses, is much more economical than them. This is explained by a reduction in the perimeter of external walls and a sharp increase in building density. The profitability of a blocked house increases with the number of apartments in the house.

Blocking apartments can be done in different ways (Fig. 6.9). The simplest and most common method is to connect apartment blocks with side walls and form a house of a simple rectangular shape. In such a house, all apartments have a two-way orientation and cross ventilation.

Fig.6.9. Examples of pairing apartments in houses of a blocked type: 1 – house plan; 2 – apartment area.

The same simple house configuration and even greater building density are achieved by double-row blocking. However, this technique, with a large number of apartment blocks in the house, worsens the sanitary and hygienic qualities of the apartments, which receive a one-way orientation and are deprived of cross ventilation. Therefore, double-row blocking is used, as a rule, in four-apartment buildings, in which the apartments receive a two-way orientation and corner ventilation. This type of blocking is called cross-shaped. In some cases, in order to better isolate individual blocks or improve orientation conditions, blocking is used to shift the blocks relative to each other.

In areas with a hot climate, to better protect premises from overheating, blocking from L-shaped blocks in plan, forming semi-open or enclosed courtyards, is used. It is possible to block such apartments closely. In the case of steep terrain, blocking is carried out by moving the blocks vertically. In some cases, a vertical shift is combined with a horizontal and block shift, which creates a rich spatial composition that is organically connected with the terrain. Various combinations of these techniques can create complex, interesting building compositions.

A peculiarity of the layout of apartments in blocked houses is the mandatory presence of 2 entrances. This is explained by the fact that the site is cut by the house into 2 isolated parts - one located in front of the house, and the second behind it, which can only be accessed through the apartment. In addition, unlike an individual apartment, apartments in a blocked house have a limited light front (depending on the nature of the blocking), which determines the location of the premises. When blocking apartments, sanitary facilities must be located adjacently, for which the blocks in most cases are placed mirrored to each other.

The site on which this building is being designed is located on the territory of an existing plant in the city of Zhitomir. The plot has a rectangular shape and has the following dimensions: length 313.6 m, width 241.48 m.

The following buildings are located on the territory of the industrial enterprise according to their purpose:


    plant management;


    technical school;

    club-dining room;

    recreation area;

  • model shop;

    machine shop;

    forging and stamping body;


    timber warehouse;

    model warehouse;

    charge warehouse;

    storage area for products;

    boiler room;

    coal warehouse;

    administrative building;


The layout of the master plan is carried out so that the connection between the individual zones corresponds to the technological process.

The territory of the industrial enterprise is fenced and has a checkpoint. The width of the roads is 3.5 m. Improvements and landscaping, installation of blind areas and sidewalks were carried out on the territory.

4. Space-planning solution for the facility

The space-planning solution of any industrial building depends on the nature of the technological process located inside the building and should, if possible, allow for changes in the technological process in the future. Despite the variety of technological processes, when designing industrial buildings it is possible to use standard and unified space-planning and design solutions based on the use of a single modular system.

The engine housing consists of three spans 24 m, 24 m, 24 m. The pitch of the columns of the outer and middle rows is 6 m. Floor height (to the bottom of the supporting structure) is 7.2, building length is 108 m. The total height of the building is 10.8 m.

5. Constructive solution of the object

Structural system - frame (with full frame)

When designing industrial buildings, the frame and external enclosing structures are assembled from standard elements manufactured at building structures factories, thereby ensuring wide interchangeability of structures. The use of standard structures for buildings requires their strictly defined location relative to the alignment axes. The load-bearing structures of the industrial building are reinforced concrete. To absorb horizontal longitudinal forces from wind and crane loads, vertical cross braces are installed along the columns in each temperature block.

Foundations for columns, stepped, monolithic, glass type. The foundations of the building are free-standing monolithic reinforced concrete, on a natural foundation. The foundation body is covered with bitumen mastic for waterproofing. The foundation beams are prefabricated reinforced concrete. They are arranged to transfer loads from them to the foundation. They are installed on reinforced concrete columns located on the ledges of the foundations.

The building uses an expansion joint, which serves to eliminate internal thermal stresses in structures during thermal deformations of the building

Columns industrial building reinforced concrete solid section. The columns are placed in the foundation glass, while the bottom of the column is installed 50 mm above the bottom of the glass; after installation, the glass is concreted and for better adhesion to the foundation, dowels are placed on the side faces. To interface with other structural elements, embedded parts are provided on the columns. Half-timbered columns are installed along the line of the end walls. They are fixed in independent foundations and are designed for fastening wall panels.

Crane beams designed to rest crane rails on them. The building is equipped with overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 15 tons. Based on this, the beams are equipped with embedded parts for fastening crane tracks. The supporting beam of the overhead crane is a reinforced concrete I-beam with a cross-sectional height of 1400 mm.

As coatings Prefabricated reinforced concrete ribbed slabs were adopted, the width of the slabs is 3000 mm, the length corresponds to the length of the spans. The load taken by the slab is transferred to a supporting reinforced concrete truss running along the top of the columns along the entire width of the building. The composition of the coating is as follows: ribbed slabs, vapor barrier, effective insulation, cement-sand screed 25mm, 4 layers of roofing material.

When designing exits from an industrial building, the production flow diagram and fire standards must be taken into account. Based on these requirements, the building adopted swing metal gates measuring 4 m.

Floors in the building are designed taking into account special requirements, resistance to impact, resistance to high mechanical loads, resistance to chemically aggressive substances.

Self-leveling polyurethane floor, concrete preparation B20, concrete preparation B10, crushed stone compacted into the ground, natural soil.



annotation scientific article on construction and architecture, author of the scientific work - Kuznetsov Nikolay Anatolyevich, Malov Vladislav Vladimirovich

TARGET. Compliance of space-planning solutions with requirements fire safety during their design, construction and operation, one of the important components of the fire protection system, aimed at ensuring the safety of people, protecting their life, health and property in the event of a fire. Purpose of the study: assessing the impact of space-planning decisions on the amount of individual fire risk administrative buildings. Methods. The most dangerous scenarios for the development of fire in buildings were modeled and the impact of its hazardous factors on people was studied. For modeling, the FireCat software package was used, including: the PyroSim program, which implements the field method fire simulation; the Pathfinder program, which allows you to build an individual flow model of the movement of people during a fire; FireRisk program for calculating individual fire risk. Results. An analysis of space-planning solutions for administrative buildings showed the presence of deviations from regulatory documents. The fire risk calculation confirmed the non-compliance of the buildings in question with fire safety requirements. Conclusion. To reduce the magnitude of individual fire risk and ensure fire safety buildings, it is necessary to install fire barriers and doors that limit the spread of fire hazards throughout the building and prevent blocking of evacuation routes and exits.

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PURPOSE. The compliance of space-planning solutions of office buildings with fire safety requirements when designing, constructing and maintaining buildings is an important component of the fire protection system aimed at providing safety, protecting human lives, health and property in case of fire emergences. The purpose of the article is to assess the influence of space-planning decisions on the individual fire risk of administrative buildings. METHODS. Modeling of the most dangerous fire development scenarios and impact of dangerous factors on people are analyzed. For modeling, the FireCat system including the PyroSim program implementing a field fire modeling method, the Pathfinder program designed to build individual and line movement models during fire and the FireRisk program designed to calculate individual fire risks was used. RESULTS. The analysis of space-planning solutions of office buildings identified some violations. Fire risk identified calculation that they do not comply with fire safety requirements. CONCLUSION. Fire-prevention barriers and doors limiting distribution of dangerous fire factors and preventing the blocking of evacuation paths and exits have to be installed to decrease the effects of fire risks and ensure the fire safety of buildings.

Text of scientific work on the topic “The influence of space-planning decisions on the fire risk of administrative buildings”

Original article / Original article UDC 614.841.334


© N.A.Kuznetsov1, V.V. Malov2

1Irkutsk Oil Company LLC,

Russian Federation, 664007, Irkutsk, Bolshoi Liteiny Prospekt, 4. 2Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Russian Federation, 664074, Irkutsk, st. Lermontova, 83.

SUMMARY. TARGET. Compliance of space-planning solutions of administrative buildings with fire safety requirements during their design, construction and operation is one of the important components of the fire protection system, aimed at ensuring the safety of people, protecting their life, health and property in the event of a fire. Purpose of the study: to assess the impact of space-planning decisions on the amount of individual fire risk of administrative buildings. METHODS. The most dangerous scenarios for the development of fire in buildings were modeled and the impact of its hazardous factors on people was studied. For modeling, the FireCat software package was used, including: the PyroSim program, which implements the field fire modeling method; the Pathfinder program, which allows you to build an individual flow model of the movement of people during a fire; FireRisk program - for calculating individual fire risk. RESULTS. An analysis of space-planning solutions for administrative buildings showed the presence of deviations from regulatory documents. The fire risk calculation confirmed the non-compliance of the buildings in question with fire safety requirements. CONCLUSION. To reduce the magnitude of individual fire risk and ensure the fire safety of buildings, it is necessary to install fire barriers and doors that limit the spread of fire hazards throughout the building and prevent blocking of evacuation routes and exits.

Key words: fire risk, fire safety, administrative buildings, evacuation, fire modeling.

Information about the article: date of receipt 01/20/2018; date of acceptance for publication 01/31/2018; date of online posting 03/21/2018

Citation format. Kuznetsov N.A., Malov V.V. The influence of space-planning decisions on the fire risk of administrative buildings // XXI century. Technosphere safety. 2018. T. 3. No. 1 (9). pp. 92-108.


Irkutsk Oil Company,

4 Bolshoy Liteiny Prospect, Irkutsk 664007, Russian Federation. Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 83 Lermontov St., Irkutsk 664074, Russian Federation.

ABSTRACT. PURPOSE. The compliance of space-planning solutions of office buildings with fire safety requirements when designing, constructing and maintaining buildings is an important component of the fire protection system aimed at providing safety, protecting human lives, health and property in case of fire emergences. The purpose of the article is to

Kuznetsov Nikolay Anatolyevich, head of the fire supervision department of the Department of Fire Safety and Emergency Response, e-mail: [email protected]

Nikolay A. Kuznetsov, Head of the Department of Fire Supervision of the Department of Fire Safety and Emergency Response, e-mail: [email protected]

2Malov Vladislav Vladimirovich, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department of industrial ecology and life safety, e-mail: [email protected]

Vladislav V. Malov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Industrial Ecology and Life Safety Department, e-mail: [email protected]


assess the influence of space-planning decisions on the individual fire risk of administrative buildings. METHODS. Modeling of the most dangerous fire development scenarios and impact of dangerous factors on people are analyzed. For modeling, the FireCat system including the PyroSim program implementing a field fire modeling method, the Pathfinder program designed to build individual and line movement models during fire and the FireRisk program designed to calculate individual fire risks was used. RESULTS. The analysis of space-planning solutions of office buildings identified some violations. Fire risk identified calculation that they do not comply with fire safety requirements. CONCLUSION. Fire-prevention barriers and doors limiting distribution of dangerous fire factors and preventing the blocking of evacuation paths and exits have to be installed to decrease the effects of fire risks and ensure the fire safety of buildings. Keywords: fire risk, fire safety, administrative buildings, evacuation, fire modeling Article info: received January 20, 2018; accepted January 31, 2018; available online March 21, 2018.

For citation: Malov V., Kuznetsov N. Influence of space-planning decisions on the fire risk of administrative buildings. XXI century. Technosphere Safety. 2018, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 92-108. (In Russian).


Fire safety, like any other type of safety, plays an important role in the life of any society. Fire safety is the state of protecting individuals, property, society and the state from fires.

In Russia, more than 200 fires occur annually in public administrative buildings, namely in buildings belonging to various organizations, enterprises and institutions. An analysis of the causes of their occurrence shows that the most common cause is careless handling of fire, and the culprits are people who neglected basic fire safety rules. Sometimes fire safety is ignored during the construction and commissioning of buildings and structures.

Today, the State Fire Supervision Authority is excluded from participation in commissions for the acceptance into operation of completed construction (reconstruction) facilities, and does not itself include them in scheduled inspections on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations dated September 12, 2016 No. 492 “On the prohibition of inspections of small and medium-sized businesses” . Taking all this into account, responsibility for the compliance of the object of protection with fire safety requirements lies entirely with the persons determined by Article 38 of Federal Law No. 69, but not with government agencies. And as it shows

practice, these persons authorized to observe fire safety simply forget about it.

One of the conditions for the object of protection to comply with fire safety requirements is the full implementation of fire safety requirements established by technical regulations adopted in accordance with the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” and regulatory documents on fire safety. According to them, to protect people and property from fire hazards in modern administrative buildings, a whole system of measures must be implemented aimed at ensuring the fire resistance of building structures, limiting the spread of fire through it, organizing safe evacuation routes, installing fire alarms and smoke ventilation, entrances and passages for fire fighting equipment, etc. Ensuring compliance with all fire safety standards is often either impossible, for example, due to the unique planning solutions of the facility, or is not economically feasible.

For such cases, the Legislator has provided a second condition that will ensure that the protected object complies with fire safety requirements -


fire safety requirements must be fully met, without exceeding the permissible fire risk values. In other words, it is necessary to comply only with mandatory fire safety requirements, and the implementation of directives of regulatory documents (codes of rules, national standards) that have the status of voluntary application can be replaced by fire risk calculations.

The basis for assessing the compliance of fire risks with standard values ​​in public and administrative buildings is based on calculations of individual fire risk for a person, namely the calculation of the required (maximum permissible) time for evacuation of people from the building, i.e. the time after which the conditions in the room due to fire hazards will become unbearable for a person, and the calculation of the total evacuation time, depending on the space-planning decisions of the building, the number of people in it and the presence of fire protection systems.

Considering the above, the purpose of the work was to assess the impact

space-planning decisions on the amount of fire risk to ensure fire safety of administrative buildings.

The object of the study was two administrative buildings in Irkutsk, structurally designed according to the same design, but with differences in planning solutions. These are the Astra Business Center and the Terra Business Center, located at the addresses: Bolshoi Liteiny Avenue, 4, and st. October Revolution, %, respectively. The facades of the buildings are shown in Fig. 1.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

An analysis was carried out of the compliance of the buildings of the Astra Business Center and the Terra Business Center with the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety;

Calculations of fire risk for the buildings in question were carried out to ensure compliance with their permissible values;

Solutions are proposed to reduce the magnitude of individual fire risk and ensure fire protection of buildings.

BC "Astra" BC "Terra"

Rice. 1. Facades of the buildings of the Astra Business Center and the Terra Business Center Fig. 1. Facades of the business center “Astra” and the business center “Terra”



Material and research methods

The buildings in question are high-rise buildings and are multi-level structures of complex configuration with a basement floor. The buildings consist of 4 block sections - three, eight and ten floors, combined into a single whole up to the level of the 3rd floor. The basement floors of the buildings contain parking areas, storage rooms and other technical premises. In addition, in the Astra Business Center in the basement there is a sports area with a gym, archives and server rooms, and in the Terra Business Center there is a dry cleaner. The first and all subsequent floors are mainly reserved for office space, while in both buildings there is a cafe on the ground floor. The degree of fire resistance of buildings is II, the class of structural fire hazard is C0. Communication with the floors of each block is carried out via two smoke-free staircases of type H1 and H2 and passenger elevators (including an elevator with functions for transporting fire departments). Exits from the basements are provided separately, directly to the outside.

The buildings are equipped with an automatic fire alarm system, a warning and evacuation control system, an internal fire water supply system, and smoke protection. However, an analysis of the space-planning solutions of the buildings under consideration, an analysis of the compliance of evacuation routes and exits with fire safety requirements in both cases showed the presence of deviations from regulatory documents, namely:

The slope of the flights of stairs on escape routes is too high, more than 1:2;

The standard width of corridors and flights of staircases is not maintained everywhere, less than 1.2 m;

Not all doors are smoke-proof

staircases of type H2 are fireproof;

In the Astra Business Center building, the partition separating the open evacuation staircase of the lobby from the cafeteria on the second floor (Fig. 2) is made in the form of a lattice of wooden posts with open openings, and must be fire-resistant type 1 and fire hazard class K0.

The dining room of the cafe in the building of the Terra business center has one emergency exit, despite the fact that it is designed to accommodate more than 50 people at a time;

Stairwells of type H2 in the Terra business center are ordinary and do not have a smoke ventilation system.

There are other deviations from fire safety regulations that do not significantly affect evacuation and the magnitude of fire risk.

Based on the identified deviations, fire risk calculations were performed to assess their impact on the safety of people during evacuation from buildings.

The selection of design scenarios for the development of fire in buildings and the impact of its hazardous factors on people was made by expert means in accordance with Appendix 6 of the Methodology based on an analysis of the fire danger of buildings, their space-planning solutions, parameters of evacuation routes and exits, as well as the number and locations of people in premises. The location of the fire occurrence of the selected scenarios contributes to the rapid spread of fire hazards in the considered computational area.

Fire scenarios for the Astra business center.

Scenario No. 1. A fire breaks out in the basement floor of the administrative block of the sports area, where more than 50 people can be in the sports hall.



Rice. 2. Wooden partition separating the open escape staircase

lobby from the cafeteria area 2. The wooden partition separating an open evacuation ladder of a lobby the cafeteria

Scenario No. 2. A fire occurs on the 1st floor of the building, in a room next to the assembly hall, designed for 260 people.

Scenario No. 3. A fire breaks out on the 1st floor in the kitchen area for preparing food for cafe visitors.

Fire scenarios for the Terra business center.

Scenario No. 1. A fire breaks out in the basement in the utility room of the parking lot.

Scenario No. 2. A fire breaks out on the 1st floor in the kitchen area for preparing food for cafe visitors.

Scenario No. 3. In a room on the 1st floor, the exit from which leads directly to the elevator hall and evacuation staircase, intended for the evacuation of people from other floors of the building.

To simulate the evacuation process, the Pathfinder program was used, which implements a model of individual flow movement of people; To simulate the spread of fire hazards, the PyroSim program was selected, the algorithm of which corresponds to

field method for modeling a fire in a building.

The model of the Astra Business Center building for estimating the evacuation time of people is shown in Fig. 3. A similar model was built for the Terra business center.

The people in the fire area begin to evacuate first, and after 90 seconds the rest do. The beginning of the evacuation time is determined in accordance with the specified Methodology.

We will accept the following notations for evacuation design schemes:

Fire source;

X - blocked output; f - evacuating person.

The design diagram for evacuation of people from the building of the Astra Business Center according to scenario No. 1 is presented in Fig. 4. An exit located directly at the source of the fire is considered blocked. You can evacuate from the sports area only through exits 1 and 2. The total evacuation time from the building was 248.8 seconds.



Rice. 3. Model of the building to determine the time of evacuation from the building 3. Building model for calculating the evacuation time

Rice. Fig. 4. Calculated scheme for evacuating people from the Astra Business Center building according to scenario No. 1 4. The calculated evacuation scheme out of the business center “Astra” according to scenario 1



The design diagram for evacuation of people from the Astra Business Center building according to scenario No. 2 is presented in Fig. 5. One of the exits of the assembly hall is considered blocked. You can evacuate from the hall only through exits 3 and 4. The total time to evacuate the building was 248.8 seconds.

The design diagram for evacuation of people from the Astra Business Center building according to scenario No. 3 is presented in Fig. 6. One of the kitchen exits, as in previous scenarios, is considered blocked. The total evacuation time from the building was 252.5 s.

Rice. 5. Calculated scheme for evacuating people from the Astra Business Center building according to scenario No. 2 5. The calculated evacuation scheme out of the business center “Astra” according to scenario 2

Rice. 6. Calculated scheme for evacuating people from the Astra Business Center building according to scenario No. 3 6. The calculated evacuation scheme out of the business center “Astra” according to scenario 3



Calculation schemes for the evacuation of people for the Terra business center are formed similarly to the schemes for the Astra business center building and are pre-

are shown in Fig. 7-9. The total evacuation time for scenarios No. 1 and 2 was 237 s, and for scenario No. 3 - 234 s.

□ o □ □ Od

Rice. 7. Calculated scheme for evacuating people from the building of the Terra business center according to scenario No. 1 7. The calculated evacuation scheme out of the business center “Terra” according to scenario 1 (parking)

Rice. 8. Calculated scheme for evacuating people from the building of the Terra business center according to scenario No. 2 8. The calculated evacuation scheme out of the business center “Terra” according to scenario 2 (café)

Volume 3, No. 1 2018 Vol. 3, no. 1 2018



Rice. 9. Calculated scheme for evacuating people from the building of the Terra business center according to scenario No. 3 9. The calculated evacuation scheme out of the business center “Terra” according to scenario 3

The calculation results for the total time for evacuating people from buildings are summarized in Table 1.

To simulate the dynamics of fire development, spatial models of the considered protection objects were compiled.

General view of the design model of the building

The developments of the Astra business center and the dynamics of the spread of smoke particles for scenarios No. 1-3 are presented in Fig. 10-12, respectively. For all models, the initial temperature is assumed to be 20°C; concentrations of toxic combustion products at the initial moment of time - equal to zero; estimated time period - 350 s.

Table 1

Total estimated time for evacuation of people from the building

The total estimated evacuation time out of the building_

Number of the fire development scenario General time of evacuation

Business Center "Astra" (1077 people) Business Center "Terra" (734 people)



Source of fire

Rice. 10. Calculation model of fire and dynamics of smoke particles for scenario No. 1 (sports area) 10. Calculated fire model and smoke particles dynamics for scenario 1 (sport zone)

Volume 3, No. 1 2018 Vol. 3, no. 1 2018


ISNN 2500-1582 *


Rice. 11. Calculation model of fire and dynamics of smoke particles for scenario No. 2

(assembly hall) 11. Calculated fire model and smoke particles dynamics for scenario 2 (assembly hall)


Rice. 12. Calculation model of fire and dynamics of smoke particles for scenario No. 3 (cafe) 12. Calculated fire model and smoke particles dynamics for scenario 3 (café)

For the BC “Terra”, the dynamics of the spread of smoke and similar calculation models were also built. General information for scenarios No. 1-3 shows the design model of the Terra business center building in Fig. 13-15, respectively.


Rice. 13. Calculation model of fire and dynamics of smoke particles for scenario No. 1 (parking lot) 13. Settlement model of the fire and the loudspeaker of smoke particles for the scenario No. 1 (parking)

Rice. 14. Calculation model of fire and dynamics of smoke particles for scenario No. 2 (cafe) 14. Settlement model of the fire and the loudspeaker of smoke particles

for the scenario 2 (cafe)

Rice. 15. Calculation model of fire and dynamics of smoke particles for scenario No. 3 15. Calculated fire model and smoke particles dynamics for scenario 3



Results and its discussion

Comparing the obtained values ​​of the time for evacuating people from buildings and the time for blocking evacuation routes and exits, we can conclude that in the event of a fire for scenarios No. 1 and No. 2, people have time to leave the danger zone. For scenario No. 3, in both buildings the probability of evacuation at some points is 0, which means that the emergency exits will be blocked before all people have time to evacuate.

The obtained values ​​of individual fire risk for each scenario are given in Table. 2 and 3 - for BC “Astra” and BC “Terra”, respectively.

From the calculation results it is clear that the fire safety of the buildings in question is not ensured, since the magnitude of the fire risk exceeds the permissible value of 110-6. For the Astra business center, the individual fire risk was 582 10-6, and for the Terra business center - 720 10-6

Results of calculation of individual fire risk for the Astra Business Center building

Results of individual fire risk for the business center “Astra”

table 2

Number of the fire development scenario Size of the individual fire risk

1 (sports zone) / (sport zone) 0.7210-6

2 (assembly hall) /(assembly hall) 0.72-10-6

3 (cafe) / (café) 582 10-6

Table 3

Results of calculation of individual fire risk for the Terra business center building

Results of individual fire risk calculation for the business center “Terra”

Number of the scenario of development of the fire Size of individual fire risk

1 (parking) / (parking) 0.7210-6

2 (cafe) / (café) 0.4210-6

3 (office) / (office) 720 10-6

To reduce fire risk and ensure that buildings comply with fire safety requirements, it was decided to replace some of the doors on evacuation routes with fire doors, which helps prevent the spread of hazardous materials.

significant fire factors and blocking escape routes. Conventional doors to be replaced with fire doors for the Astra Business Center and Terra Business Center are shown in Fig. 16, 17, respectively.



Rice. 16. Doors proposed for replacement with fireproof ones in the Astra Business Center Fig. 16. Doors which have to be replaced by fire-prevention ones in the business center “Astra”

Calculation of individual fire risk taking into account the proposed measures showed its reduction to standard values.

cheniya. For the Astra Business Center building, the individual fire risk was 0.5810-6, and for the Terra Business Center - 0.42-10"6

Rice. 17. Doors proposed for replacement with fireproof ones in the Terra business center 17. Doors which have to be replaced by fire-prevention ones in the business center “Terra”

Volume 3, No. 1 2018 Vol. 3, no. 1 2018



Based on the results of the study, we can also conclude that planning decisions for the buildings under consideration do not have a significant impact on the total time of evacuation of people; it mainly depends on the number of evacuees and the compliance of evacuation routes and emergency exits (number, sizes) with the requirements of regulatory documents. For the administrative buildings and the like under consideration (increased number of storeys, large number of people, etc.), the main influence on the value of

Heat risk is provided by fire barriers and doors that limit the spread of fire hazards throughout the building and prevent blocking of evacuation routes and exits.

In addition, it follows from the Methodology that the amount of fire risk is significantly influenced by the presence of fire protection systems that meet fire safety requirements, such as fire alarms, warning and evacuation control systems, smoke protection, etc.


1. On fire safety: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ: adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on November 18, 1994 [Electronic resource]. URL: base.consultant. ru/cons/cgi/ (09.12.2017).

2. On technical regulation: Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 22, 2002: adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on December 18, 2002 [Electronic resource]. URL: (09.12.2017).

3. On approval of the list of documents in the field of standardization, as a result of which, on a voluntary basis, compliance with the requirements of Federal Law dated July 22, 2008 No. 123-F3 “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” is ensured: approved by order of Ros-Standard dated April 16, 2014 No. 474 [Electronic resource]. URL: (09.12.2017).

4. Technical regulations on fire safety requirements: Federal. Russian law Federation dated July 22, 2008 No. 123-F3: adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

walkie-talkie 07/04/2008 [Electronic resource]. URL: (11.11.2017). [Electronic resource]. URL: (09.12.2017).

5. Methodology for determining the calculated values ​​of fire risk in buildings, structures and structures of various classes of functional fire hazard: approved. by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 30, 2009 No. 382: entry into force from September 6, 2009 [Electronic resource]. URL: (09.12.2017).

6. SP 1.13130.2009. Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits. Introduced by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 9, 2010 No. 639 [Electronic resource]. URL: (09.12.2017).

7. SP 2.13130.2012. Fire protection systems. Ensuring fire resistance of protected objects. Introduced by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated November 21, 2012 No. 693 [Electronic resource]. URL: (09.12.2017).

1. O pozhamoi bezopasnosti: feder. zakon Ros.Federatsii ot 12/21/1994 g No. 69-FZ: prinyat Gos. Dumoi Feder. Sobr. Ros.Federatsii 11/18/1994 g. . Available at: (accessed 09 December 2017). (In Russian).

2. About tekhnicheskom regulirovanii: feder. zakon No. 184-FZ dated December 22, 2002: prinyat Gos. Dumoi Feder. Sobr. Ros.Federatsii 12/18/2002 g. . Available at: (accessed 09 December 2017). (In Russian).

3. Ob utverzhdenii perechnya dokumentov v oblasti standartizatsii, v rezul"tate primeneniya kotorykh na dobrovol"noi osnove obespechivaetsya soblyudenie trebovanii Federal"nogo zakona ot 07/22/2008 No. 123-FZ "Tekhnicheskii reglament o trebovaniyakh poz harnoi bezopasnosti": utv. prikazom Rossstandarta ot 04/16/2014 No. 474. Available at: (accessed 09 December 2017). (In Russian).



4. Tekhnicheskii reglament o trebovaniyakh pozharnoi bezopasnosti: feder. zakon Ros.Federatsii from 07.22.2008 g. No. 123-FZ: prinyat Gos. Dumoi Feder. Sobr. Ros.Federatsii 4.07.2008 g. . Available at: (accessed 09 December 2017). (In Russian).

5. Metodika opredeleniya raschetnykh velichin pozhar-nogo riska v zdaniyakh, sooruzheniyakh i stroeniyakh razlichnykh klassov funktsional"noi pozharnoi opasnosti: utv. prikazom MChS Rossii from 06.30.2009 g. No. 382: vvod v deistvie s 0 6.09.2009.Available at: base (accessed 09 December 2017). (In Russian).

6. SP 1.13130.2009. Sistemy protivopozharnoi zash-chity. Evakuatsionnye puti i vykhody. Vved. prikazom MChS Rossii ot 9.12.2010 No. 639. Available at: (accessed 09 December 2017). (In Russian).

7.SP 2.13130.2012. Sistemy protivopozharnoi zash-chity. Obespechenie ognestoikosti ob"ektov zashchity. Vved. prikazom MChS Rossii ot 11.21.2012 No. 693. Available at: (accessed 09 December 2017). (In Russian).

Authorship criteria

Kuznetsov N.A. and Malov V.V. have equal author's rights and responsibility for plagiarism.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Space-planning solutions are part of the architectural section of a building construction project, in which the layout, location, and functional interconnection of premises are worked out, taking into account the technical, engineering, fire safety requirements for the facility, climatic conditions, topography, natural and man-made environment. The most important indicators of space-planning solutions are the ease of operation of the building, maintenance of technological equipment, and compliance with regulatory documents.

Main types of space-planning solutions

Space-planning solutions for a building depend on its type (residential, public, industrial), the required level of comfort, features of technological processes and other parameters specified in the design brief. The entire internal space of the building is divided into rooms using vertical structures (walls, partitions) and horizontal ones (ceilings). The premises can be walk-through or isolated, which are connected to each other through a third, auxiliary room (corridor, vestibule).

The following types of space-planning solutions are distinguished:

  • with horizontal communication (corridor system), in which the premises are located on one or both sides of the corridor. The scheme is used for the design of hotels, administrative, office buildings, dormitories;
  • with a sequential arrangement of adjacent passage rooms (enfilade layout). Sometimes several rooms with a large area are located in the center, and the rest are formed around them. Such schemes are used in the construction of exhibition centers, museums and similar public buildings;
  • with a central atrium (courtyard or covered space) that unites around other rooms of the building, connected to each other through the atrium. The layout is used in the design of indoor markets, shopping centers, sports facilities;
  • with a central hall that defines the main functional purpose of the building, around which the remaining (auxiliary) rooms are formed. The scheme is used for theatres, cinemas and other entertainment buildings;
  • with vertical communication and repeating floor plans (sectional layout). As a rule, stairs or elevators act as a connecting link for premises;
  • with a combined layout, including elements of various types of space-planning solutions. The scheme is used in the design of multifunctional buildings combining corridor, enfilade, atrium and other types of layouts.

Stages of development of space-planning solutions

Space-planning solutions for buildings and structures are worked out at all stages of design:

  • as part of a preliminary design - for coordination with the customer, preparation of a set of initial permitting documents;
  • at the “Project Documentation” stage - to undergo examination and obtain a positive conclusion;
  • at the “Detailed Documentation” stage - detailed elaboration of space-planning solutions, taking into account the design of the building, the distribution of sanitary and electrical communications. The stage is being developed directly for construction.

Dedyukhova Ekaterina

At the stage of designing space-planning solutions, the specifics of the typology of housing construction are determined in accordance with the modern classification. Despite the fact that buildings of capital capital group III (“Ordinary”) belong to traditional housing, the state housing programs set during their design required the development of standard solutions. It was on these houses that approaches to creating block sections, united by a common space-planning, constructive, figurative solution.

Several apartments were combined on one floor landing into a space-planning cell with common vertical communication nodes. As a rule, due to the complexity of constructing temperature, settlement and expansion joints in the structures of strip rubble or monolithic foundations, as well as for economic reasons, they were mainly erected , single-section residential buildings with 8-12 apartments.

Based on these developments, series 1-201-13, 1-201-18, 1-203 arose of medium-density buildings for housing on 2-4 floors, with a floor height of 3.0 or 3.3 m. In the layout of the interiors of multi-apartment low-rise buildings most often used corridor-sectional layout option.

Despite the difficult war and post-war conditions, housing of capital group III (“Ordinary”) was also built in a particularly comfortable version: with two apartments on a floor area. Apartments in this section have cross-ventilation, so the section is not limited in orientation and climate zone.

Sections with through ventilation are called latitudinal. If there are 3 or more apartments on the site, the section is called meridional and will have orientation restrictions. The presence of a one-room apartment in the section makes it meridional in orientation.

Today, sectional houses are the most popular planning type of residential building on the real estate market. According to the conditions of orientation to the cardinal directions and ensuring insolation of apartments, sections of multi-section residential buildings according to SP 31-107-2004 “Architectural and planning solutions of multi-apartment residential buildings” are regulated

  • universal (unlimited) orientation;
  • partially limited orientation (latitudinal);
  • limited orientation (meridional).
TO sec classificationtions by orientation Number of apartments Number of levels in the apartment
Universal (unlimited) 1; 2 1
4 — 8 2 — 3
Partially limited (latitudinal) 3 — 7 1 — 2
Limited (meridional) 5 – 8 (up to 16 *) 1 — 2
* The maximum quantity is indicated for a plan with a shift.

For example, the Lower Volga region is located in climatic zone 3-ВV, where mandatory insolation of each residential premises is provided for 2.5 hours daily. This condition dictates the orientation limitation of the meridional section. One-room apartments in the house should be oriented to the favorable side of the horizon: east, southeast, northeast. Orientation to the south, southwest and west is considered unfavorable.

Variation of simple design schemes with high mobility and the possibility of using standardized elements make sectional type houses the most common in urban and rural construction. Increasing the number of apartments on a floor area reduces the cost of the section and at the same time reduces the degree of its convenience. To increase the number of floors by one floor in sectional houses, two-level, so-called duplex apartments can be used on the top floor. It makes no sense to make duplexes on floors other than the last one, since the vertical communication of the section, the staircase, is idle.

Let's consider the layout of a two-story single-entrance residential building with transverse load-bearing walls (Izhevsk, S. Kovalevskaya St., 2), made according to measurement drawings. This is a very common type of one-section house of capital group III, used in various climatic zones.

a brief description of residential building on the street S.Kovalevskoy, 2:

  • dimensions in axes 20.1 x 14.4 m;
  • floor height 3.0 m;
  • building volume - 1816 m3;
  • living area – 605.4 m2;
  • total number of apartments – 8;
  • two-room apartments – 6;
  • three-room apartments - 2.

Residential building on the street. S.Kovalevskoy, 2: general view

House layoutafter reconstruction

Until the end of the 20th century, housing design took into account the demographic composition of the population, and the technical specifications included average indicators of the number of families. Currently, census data giving the average demographic composition of the population is used not only for the design of so-called council houses, but is also important marketing information that most accurately reflects the real needs of the real estate market.

Demographic composition in the Russian Federation: single citizens - 3%; families of two people - 12%; families of three - 22%; families of four - 29%; families of five - 18%; families of six and more than 16%.

It is believed that the optimal number of rooms should exceed the number of residents per one common room - the living room. In this case, all family members can exist comfortably and conveniently. At the same time, constantly growing, economically and socially unjustified housing and utility bills are hindering the development of the real estate market. The most in demand on the housing market today are 2- and 3-room apartments with isolated rooms.

Marketing research has shown that the majority of citizens would like to improve their living conditions by at least 25%, while remaining in the same neighborhood, that is, without a drastic change in social infrastructure (place of work, kindergartens and schools, clinics, etc.). Therefore, space-planning solutions should result in the ability to satisfy these consumer market demands.

SNiP 31-01-2003 “Residential multi-apartment buildings”, depending on The social standard for housing area (the size of housing area per person in accordance with Article 1, Article 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of Federal Housing Policy”) establishes the minimum size of apartment area (see Table 3.2). The first number is for the so-called layout “A”, that is, small-sized apartments, and the second - for layout “B”, full-sized apartments.

Minimum area of ​​apartments for layouts of types “A” and “B”

Having studied layout of a one-section house on the street. S. Kovalevskaya before the reconstruction, it can be noted that the obsolescence of such a layout has not yet occurred, because space-planning solutions of the early 50s of the past centuries practically correspond to modern requirements for full-sized apartments.

As part of the total area of ​​the apartment, the most valuable is the living space. When installing oval bay windows in the living rooms, the apartment acquires a unique space-planning solution and an increase in living space parameters. Taking into account the height of the ceilings and the new quality of the house itself, the changes made to the layout put such properties well above the average requirements for full-sized apartments.

When installing attached bay windows, it should be remembered that in residential sections of buildings located on the red line, the floor level of the first floor must exceed the level of the blind area or sidewalk by at least 0.45 m.

Analysis of changes in space-planning solution during reconstruction

Apartment premises Two-roomed flat Three-room apartment
1 type 2 types
Before the rec-tion After the rec-tion Before the rec-tion After the rec-tion To the river After the rec-tion
Hallway 8.35 m2 8.35 m2 8.35 m2 8.35 m2 8.35 m2 8.35 m2
Bedroom 12.68 m2 14.78 m2 9.47 m2 11.57 m2 12.68 m2 14.78 m2
Bedroom 16.88 m2 16.88 m2
Living room 17.69 m2 19.79 m2 27.84 m2 29.94 m2 17.69 m2 19.79 m2
Kitchen 6.21 m2 6.21 m2 6.21 m2 6.21 m2 6.21 m2 6.21 m2
Total 44.93 m2 49.13 m2 51.87 m2 56.07 m2 61.81 m2 66.01 m2
Area gain 4.2 m2 4.2 m2 4.2 m2

IN houses being reconstructed or overhauled with a residential floor height of more than 2.8 m are allowed to maintain the existing floor height. When reconstructing such houses in attached, built-on or built-in volumes, it is allowed to take the height of residential floors more than 2.8 m, if this is caused by the need for a compositional combination of the preserved and constructed parts of the building.

According to clause 5.3. SNiP 01/31/2003, in apartments should include living quarters (rooms) and utility rooms: a kitchen (or kitchen niche), a hallway, a bathroom (or shower) and a restroom (or a combined bathroom), a pantry (or a utility built-in closet). The installation of a ventilated drying cabinet for outerwear and shoes is provided for during the reconstruction of a residential building in climatic subdistricts IA, IB, IG and IIA.

Placing residential premises in the basements and ground floors of residential buildings is not permitted. The dimensions of the residential and utility rooms of the apartment are determined depending on the required set of furniture and equipment, placed taking into account ergonomic requirements.

According to clause 5.7 of SNiP 31-01-2003 p. the area of ​​the premises in the apartments specified in clause 5.3 must be no less than: living space (room) in a one-room apartment - 14 m2, common living space in apartments with two or more rooms - 16 m2, bedrooms - 8 m2 (10 m2 - for two people); kitchen - 8 m2; kitchen area in the kitchen - dining room - 6 m2. In one-room apartments it is allowed to design kitchens or kitchen niches with an area of ​​at least 5 m2. As can be seen from the table. 3.3., all premises of the reconstructed apartments meet modern requirements.

Minimum dimensions of apartment premises

Name of premises

Minimum area, m 2

in small apartments

in full-sized apartments

common room

Bedroom for two people

Bedroom for one person


Kitchen niche

According to clause 5.8 of SNiP 31-01-2003, the height (from floor to ceiling) of living quarters and kitchen (kitchen-dining room) in climatic regions IA, IB, IG, ID and IVA must be at least 2.7 m, and in other climatic regions areas - at least 2.5 m. The height of intra-apartment corridors, halls, hallways, mezzanines (and under them) is determined by the conditions for the safety of people's movement and must be at least 2.1 m.

Clause 5.9 of SNiP 31-01-2003 regulates an important requirement for planning: common living spaces in 2, 3 and 4-room apartments of residential buildings and bedrooms in all apartments should be designed as non-passable. In addition, apartments must have the following equipment:

    kitchen - sink or sink, as well as a stove for cooking;

    bathroom - bath (or shower) and washbasin;

    restroom - toilet with flush cistern;

    combined bathroom - bath (or shower), washbasin and toilet.

Other equipment is installed by the customer-developer. The installation of a combined bathroom is allowed in one-room apartments of state and municipal housing funds, in other apartments - according to the design instructions.

The active zone of a modern apartment is formed by a living room or common room, the best proportions of which are 1:1 (square), 1:1.5 (with a window on the smaller side), a hallway with an area of ​​at least 4 m2, a bathroom, a kitchen or a dining room. The kitchen is designed with an area of ​​at least 8 m2 and a width of at least 2 m.

If the kitchen exceeds 9 meters in area, it is considered a kitchen-dining room. Walk-through rooms in the apartment are excluded, a combined sanitary unit is allowed only in a one-room apartment, although with modern trends in redevelopment, a combined bathroom has ceased to be a sign of obsolescence.

When remodeling, you should adhere to modern requirements regarding minimum width dimensions:

  • front – 1.4 m;
  • intra-apartment corridors leading to living rooms - 1.0 m;
  • other corridors – 0.85 m;
  • bathroom – 1.5 m;
  • illuminated bathroom - 1.7 m;
  • restroom - 0.85 m (depth when opening the door inward - 1.5 m; outward - 1.2 m).

Convenient housing layouts of capital group III satisfy these requirements. Therefore, the layout of a two-story, two-entrance residential building with longitudinal load-bearing walls (for example, house No. 20 on Tsiolkovsky Street shown below in Fig. 3.10) does not undergo any changes in the reconstruction project.

However, one should not assume that housing requirements have only now reached the level of the 50s of the last century. It must be borne in mind that such compliance with modern comfort criteria is due to the fact that housing of capital group III was originally intended not for family occupancy, but on a communal basis. At the same time, on the floor we see two symmetrically located two-room apartments with adjacent living rooms. This is a sign of social stratification of that time: this apartment was intended to be allocated to the family of an executive employee, i.e. for single family occupancy.

In houses of capital group II (“Stalinka”) there was no longer such a difference in the space-planning solution. There, the apartments on the first floors were occupied by families, and the residents of communal apartments, which had exactly the same layout, went up higher. The layouts of houses of capital group III, built since wartime, have a floor-by-floor stratification of residents according to quality of life.

Brief description of house No. 20 on the street. Tsiolkovsky in Izhevsk:

    dimensions in axes 39.3 x 15.0 m;

    floor height 3.0 m;

    building volume - 3402m W;

    living area – 1123.8 m2;

    total number of apartments 12;

    two-room apartments - 4;

    three-room apartments - 8.

House No. 20 on the street. Tsiolkovsky inIzhevsk: general view and internal layout

Shown in Fig. 3.10 building No. 20 on the street. Tsiolkovsky in Izhevsk consists of two paired block sections. The space-planning solution provides for a separate bathroom. In addition to a corner two-room apartment with a walk-through room, the layout of the block section fully meets modern requirements and consumer preferences that have developed in the real estate market for family occupancy.

The volumetric-spatial characteristics and planning solution also determine the choice of constructive solution for the building. In a construction system with load-bearing transverse walls (less often longitudinal), it is necessary to unify the pitch of the load-bearing walls, which limits the range of standard sizes of floors and other parts. The most common axes are 3.0, 3.60, 4.20, 6.0 m.

Analysis of redevelopment of a two-section house

Apartment premises

Two-roomed flat

Three-room apartment

1 type

2 types


9.94 m2

10.22 m2

9.11 m2


14.44 m2

15.28 m2

14.70 m2


16.45 m2

Living room

20.98 m2

21.27 m2

6.21 m2


10.53 m2

10.53 m2

20.49 m2


55.89 m2

57.30 m2

66.96 m2

Bedrooms, offices, and children's rooms are designed in a quiet zone or night zone. The optimal proportions of rooms are close to square. The daytime zone (active) should be located closer to the entrance, the quiet one - at a distance from it. The bathroom, separate from the toilet, can be located in a block with it or separately in another part of the apartment. In any case, we must strive to block communication risers both inside one apartment and in neighboring apartments. It is not allowed to locate a bathroom, bathtub, or kitchen above the living room or bedroom. The estimated living area of ​​the apartment is assumed to be at least 18 square meters. m per person.

Traditional residential buildings, designed partly or entirely for occupancy on a communal basis, provide rich opportunities for individual redevelopment. Therefore, when developing space-planning solutions, one should take into account current trends in design and methods of organizing the internal space of a home.

In modern approaches to the development of space-planning solutions, the division of living space into zones in which similar everyday processes occur is clearly expressed. This technique was called functional zoning.

In essence, such a division has existed in the organization of housing since ancient times, so today there is a certain return to tradition. In wall-type apartment buildings, two-part zoning prevails: into an area for general family use (collective leisure, receiving guests, meals, general economic processes) and an area for individual use (personal hygiene, sleep, individual classes).

The general family use area (active) was considered a daytime area (entrance hall, living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom). The individual stay zone (passive) includes recreation rooms, bedrooms, offices, children's rooms, and bathrooms. An important requirement for modern housing is the exclusion of walk-through rooms.

Let's highlight separately bellboys houses with a linear layout, the configuration of which is based on the linear construction of the plan. Houses of this type, for example, include a two-story single-entrance house with longitudinal load-bearing walls, located at the address: st. Tsiolkovskogo, 22 in Izhevsk. It houses 16 one-room apartments.

Brief description of the residential building on the street. Tsiolkovsky, 22:

    dimensions in axes 38.7 x 12.3 m;

    living area – 870.4 m2;

    floor height 3.0 m;

    building volume - 2611m W

    General view of house No. 22 on the street. Tsiolkovsky in Izhevsk

House layout before reconstruction

Layout of the house after reconstruction

Bellhops residential buildings are characterized by the development of horizontal communications. They are not intended for categories of citizens with a family of more than three people. Subsequently, this layout was used to design the so-called “hotel-type houses” and hostels for young families of “small families”. The layouts of such houses were worked out during the creation of series of housing of capital group III.

“Small-family houses” underwent a number of significant transformations in the 70s of the last century. They had separate bathrooms and small kitchens. Initially, the empty room on the floor opposite the flight of stairs (see Fig. 3.13) was a common kitchen; the apartments (rooms) had only toilets.

In corridor residential buildings, apartments are located on both sides of the corridor, which connects them with vertical communications, i.e., with staircases, which experience increased load in such structures. The main disadvantage of this layout in capital group III housing is low sound insulation.

Apartments in corridor residential buildings do not have cross ventilation, so in climatic regions III and IV they used gallery houses with apartments located along a common gallery - corridor.

Analysis of the layout of a two-section house

Before redevelopment

After redevelopment

Apartment premises

Studio apartment

Studio apartment

Two-roomed flat

1 type

2 types

1 type

2 types

3 types


4.69 m2

4.69 m2

4.69 m2

4.69 m2

9.35 m2


27.79 m2

21.65 m2

29.94 m2

25.67 m2

14.26 m2

Living room

17.11 m2


6.06 m2

6.06 m2

6.06 m2

6.06 m2

6.06 m2


38.54 m2

32.40 m2

40.69 m2

36.42 m2

46.78 m2

Attached bay windows cannot radically change the level of comfort of a layout of this type, but with the use of soundproofing materials and structures when remodeling apartments, with an increase in the size of kitchens and hallways, in this house you can create a fairly cozy homely atmosphere for elderly couples, single citizens and young families. The inclusion of an empty former common kitchen into the living area of ​​the apartments will not only improve the energy efficiency of the planning solution, but also create three two-room apartments with a separate bedroom. This changes the composition of the apartments in the building: out of 16 apartments, after minor redevelopment, 6 become two-room apartments, and 10 remain one-room apartments, but in a full-size version.

More significant changes in space-planning solutions to improve living comfort and architectural quality of a reconstructed residential building can be achieved:
arrangement of two-level apartments (duplexes);

    changing the construction volume of a residential building due to the addition of floors, including the attic,

    expansion of the building body partially or completely;

    the addition of new space-planning elements to it, including residential and non-residential purposes.

Initially, any redevelopment of an existing (standard) floor involves two main approaches - within the dimensions of the existing building and by partially or completely increasing the width of the building.

Redevelopment of an apartment within the dimensions buildings are usually aimed at increasing the size of the kitchen, hallway, sanitary facilities, isolating the common room from the kitchen, installing built-in wardrobes, and replacing balconies with loggias. Within existing boundaries, it is easiest to carry out redevelopment in buildings with three longitudinal load-bearing walls. A radical option for redevelopment within the dimensions of an existing building is when redeveloping part or all of the apartments into two-level ones.

Redevelopment of sections within the dimensions of a building comes down, as a rule, to combining adjacent apartments and converting them into a multi-room apartment that meets the requirements of current standards and the standard of increased consumer quality.

Redevelopment accompanied by expansion of the building body in separate structural spans, allows you to expand the living area of ​​the apartment. Such redevelopment represents a more radical change in the layout of apartments with an increase in the total area, which requires appropriate economic justification, compliance with insolation standards and sanitary and hygienic requirements. In this case, complete or partial dismantling of the external walls of the building is assumed.

Bay windows in a residential building

Bay windows are an organic architectural addition to housing of capital group III, which disappeared from architectural design techniques during the fight against the “architectural excesses” of the 50s and the increasing standardization of design solutions. In addition, three-sided lighting, which occurs as a result of the installation of a bay window, allows you to solve the problems of insolation of premises during redevelopment.

In addition to aesthetic purposes, attached loggias and bay windows are provided in apartments of reconstructed houses in climatic regions III and IV, in apartments for families with disabilities. In addition, taking into account fire safety requirements, the added elements must solve a number of important design problems in strengthening the bases and foundations, increasing the heat-insulating qualities of enclosing structures.

When designing a sketch, you should take into account the unfavorable conditions for constructing balconies and unglazed loggias:

    in climatic regions I and II - a combination of average monthly air temperature and average monthly wind speed in July: 12 - 16 °C and more than 5 m/s; 8 - 12 °C and 4 - 5 m/s; 4 - 8°C and 4 m/s; below 4 °C at any wind speed;

    noise from transport highways or industrial areas 75 dB or more at a distance of 2 m from the facade of a residential building (except for noise-protected residential buildings);

    dust concentration in the air is 1.5 mg/m3 or more for 15 days or more during the three summer months.

Sketch study of the floor superstructure, installation of attached loggias, bay windows, options for protruding elements (entrance lobbies, balconies)

The superstructure of buildings of capital group III can be solved by installing an attic floor. According to clause 5.7 of SNiP 31-01-2003 the area of ​​the bedroom and kitchen in the attic floor (or a floor with inclined enclosing structures) is allowed to be at least 7 m2, provided that the common living space has an area of ​​at least 16 m2.

According to clause 5.8 of SNiP 31-01-2003, in residential premises and kitchens of apartments located in the attic floor (or upper floors with inclined enclosing structures), a lower ceiling height is allowed relative to the normalized one for an area not exceeding 50%.

The attic floor is subject to greater heat losses than the floors located below, for the simple reason that, as a rule, there is no “thermal cushion” above it. Having a large total surface of contact with the external environment, it requires significant effective thermal insulation.

The installation of engineering equipment on the attic floor must be linked to the existing engineering equipment of the base building and ensure their collaboration. The possibility of connecting the utility networks of the designed attic floor to the existing system must be determined by calculations in each specific case and comply with current standards.

Engineering networks of non-residential premises of the attic floor of a residential building are designed to be autonomous, with the exception of small offices and creative workshops, the networks of which can be connected to existing building systems after confirmation by calculations.

Connection of domestic drinking and fire water supply, as well as sewage drains, is carried out to the existing networks of the base building, taking into account the installation of control and measuring instruments for water flow in the building.

Heating can be combined with the building or separate, subject to the calculation of the additional load, using the heat saving reserve by reducing costs and installing control and measuring instruments, thermostats and a control system throughout the building. It is recommended that the power supply system be designed taking into account additional loads and compliance with modern standards.

During redevelopment, it is allowed to maintain the existing width of the stairs, with a complete replacement of their structure with materials that have a standardized fire resistance limit and a limit for the spread of fire through structures, provided that the apartments are equipped with an automatic fire alarm with signal output to a joint control center.

Requirements for the design of air pressurization installations should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.08.01-89. Ventilation is carried out by building up channels or installing a mechanical exhaust system that unites the entire system.

Redevelopment of apartments, as well as an increase in the dimensions of the reconstructed building should not lead to a decrease in the duration of insolation and deterioration of natural lighting conditions below the standard level both in it and in surrounding buildings. Apartments with unprovided standard levels of insolation or natural light should not be used as permanent housing.

Windows and balconies