Which water meter is better? How to choose a water meter? Which water meter is better to choose for an apartment Name of water meters

Installed individual consumption meters for cold and hot water reduce the family budget expenditure on monthly utility bills. Having a water meter allows you to pay for cubic meters of actually used water. With tariffs constantly rising, choosing, buying and installing a meter yourself means acquiring an important and necessary attribute for your apartment.

Standard and actual payment

Standard payment does not depend on all kinds of accidents and repairs of water supply networks, preventive maintenance and other planned and unplanned factors. Temporary absence of residence, use or non-use of water does not relieve the resident from the need to pay a monthly fixed tariff. Sometimes in houses, water consumption is paid by dividing its actual consumption by the number of registered residents. In this case, the consumer pays the amount assigned in the payment book, regardless of the amount of water used.

The actual payment does not depend on the number of people living in the apartment. It is carried out only according to the readings of an installed individual water meter, which records the number of cubic meters of water used.

Save water costs

Water utility losses account for a third of the cost of the resource, including water losses due to damage to pipes in street mains and basements. An individual water meter will allow you to pay for water used directly in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. The actual payment is much less than the standard one.

Installing a meter will certainly bring economic benefits. Payment for actual water consumption is several times less than the amount for tariff calculation.

Classification of water meters

Before purchasing and installing a meter, you must select it according to certain criteria. The water meter is classified into the following categories:

1. As intended. All devices installed to measure the flow of cold and hot water, which do not differ in principle of operation, but have differences in the materials used to manufacture the internal elements: impellers, bearings. The first group of devices is designed for use when working with water not exceeding 35-40 degrees. Meter installed on a pipe with hot water, can withstand temperatures of 120-150 degrees. If desired, it can also be placed on a pipe with cold water.

2. According to the type of power supply, the water meter can be volatile or non-volatile. Devices of the first group do not require additional power. Meters of the second group operate only when electricity is available.

3. According to the principle of operation, the counter can be: electromagnetic, vortex, tachometer, ultrasonic.

Selecting the type of water meter

In an electromagnetic meter, the induction speed magnetic field device is proportional to the speed of water passing through it.

A vortex counter records the frequency of vortices that occur when a special body is placed in a liquid. The data obtained depends on the flow rate.

A tachometer water meter is a mechanical counting device equipped with an impeller or turbine, which, rotating under the influence of water, transmits rotation to the counting device.

An ultrasonic water meter analyzes the acoustic effect that occurs when ultrasonic vibrations pass through a water stream. Water meters are produced for domestic and industrial use. Household meters are installed in the residential sector, industrial meters are used in enterprises.

Vortex and ultrasonic devices are used mainly in heating systems.

Water meters for apartments

The most popular designs used for residential premises are tachometer and electromagnetic water meters. Their main differences are:

  • reliability;
  • compact sizes,
  • high measurement accuracy;
  • reasonable cost;
  • long service life.

Necessary periodic checks prolong the life of the water meter and determine the correctness of its readings in operation. When remodeling a bathroom, risers cannot be moved, and therefore, the location of the meters will be predetermined.

We fix water costs

Tachometer water meters

The main structural element of a tachometer water device is an impeller or turbine. Their presence determines the type of device.

The meter, made with an impeller, is installed on a pipe having a diameter of 15-40 mm. He can be:

  • single-jet;
  • multi-jet.

The work of a single-jet water meter is to quantify the revolutions of the impeller rotating in a single stream of water. It is transmitted through magnetic couplings to the housing indicator. The measurement accuracy is determined by the isolation of the counting mechanism from water.

The main advantages of the single-jet system include:

  • possibility of remote reading of readings when installing a pulse module;
  • Possibility of installing antimagnetic protection of the meter.

When a multi-jet meter operates, the measured water flow is divided by several jets in front of the impeller blades. This effect increases the accuracy of water meter measurements. The advantages of a multi-jet system are:

  • simplicity and convenience of installation and dismantling;
  • the ability to remove the upper part of the device for routine verification;
  • possibility of installing a pulse module.

Turbine water meters are structurally distinguished by the presence of a turbine as a rotating working part. They are installed on water pipes having a diameter of 40-200 mm. When deciding which water meter is best to choose, you need to consider what size pipe it will be attached to.

Combined water meters are produced that combine a turbine and an impeller. They work in water supply networks that have pressure drops.

The industry also produces universal meters that can be installed for both cold and hot water. Water meters are manufactured equipped with thermal sensors that record both the amount of water used and its temperature.

Tachometer water meters are available in wet and dry types, differing in the location of the counting mechanism.

The wet version involves placing the counting mechanism in the water. The device is protected from mechanical contamination by a coarse filter installed in front of the mechanism.

Dry water meters provide separation of the counting device from the water using a non-metallic partition.

Installing a wet water meter

Purchase and installation of a water meter

When purchasing a water meter, it is necessary to consult regarding the type of meter allowed for installation. Recommendations are presented by a specialist from the local water utility.

Meters must be manufactured at specialized enterprises, and their documentation must contain the necessary data:

  • installation size;
  • country of origin;
  • availability of a warranty period;
  • time working interval before verification;
  • product price;
  • availability of complete documentation;
  • presence of a device accuracy class;
  • Availability of service support from the manufacturer.

The main condition that characterizes all water metering devices is the production of meters taking into account GOST. The accuracy class of the device is determined in Latin letters from A to D. It is proportional to the cost of the product.

When choosing a meter, carefully read the information about the product and manufacturer. It must be manufactured in accordance with GOST and have a guarantee.

After specifying the functional and technical parameters of the water meter, it is installed and sealed. Water meters are installed by licensed enterprises. The installation fee is paid by the consumer. Installation of the meter is subject to the availability of an individual product number in accordance with its passport. This is necessary for subsequent fillings. When installing, remember that it is important to think in advance about the remodeling of the bathroom and the location of the metering devices.

When choosing a location for installing a water meter, the convenience of its installation and dismantling due to periodic verification, the possibility of viewing for taking monthly readings, and access when cleaning the coarse filter are taken into account.

The water meter in its completed installed form is a heavy structure relative to the pipe. It is attached to the wall using mounting clamps. This eliminates the possibility of the water meter structure breaking when exposed to the pipe. The corner is attached with a clamp to the sewer riser. The counter is installed similarly on a corner.

When the water meter is equipped with plastic fittings, they are replaced with brass ones during installation. The installation of rubber or silicone gaskets instead of paronite gaskets will also protect the structure from leaks.

After installing the water measuring device, the specialist issues a permit to install the meter and a contract for its maintenance. Upon completion of all activities, the consumer makes a payment based on the readings of the installed water meter.

In order to prevent excessive water meter readings, simple and accessible recommendations are followed, leading to cost savings on paying for water use:

  • periodic checking of all devices connected to the water supply network;
  • keeping the washing machine tap closed;
  • checking the proper condition of cold and hot water mixers, excluding water flowing into a pipe with lower pressure;
  • installation of check valves;
  • installation of pressure relief valves to reduce pressure arising after emergency main works,
  • eliminating leaks in cistern toilet.

There are also “black” saving methods in which the meter is simply stopped. This is usually done using magnets, but there are other ways:

Save water with a magnet

Intervals and methods for checking meters

Existing standards establish the temporary frequency of verification of water meters. Water meters installed on cold water pipes are checked every 6 years, hot water – every 4 years.

There is also a verification period determined by the manufacturer of this type of product. There are three ways to check apartment water meters:

  • A home-based method that allows the water meter to be checked by a specialist called to your home. Verification is carried out using a portable stand.
  • The method of replacing a device that has been in use, but has undergone routine verification in the laboratory.
  • Submitting your meter to the laboratory.

For a calibration water meter, a certificate is issued with the stamp of the calibration laboratory. When purchasing a new device, the owner receives an act in which the readings of the old meter, the model and number of the new one are entered.

Mandatory verification of meters must be carried out on hot water systems - every 4 years, cold water - every 6 years.

When buying a new water meter, you need to take into account its technical characteristics:

  • sensitivity limit: a water meter with a large diameter does not take into account low water flow;
  • permissible pressure loss: direct pressure loss at the meter itself;
  • the ability to withstand the required pressure and a certain temperature regime.

The market is represented by a wide range of residential water meters. Water meters produced by domestic companies are ideally suited to local operating conditions, taking into account the characteristics and properties of water, the perfection of water supply systems and lines.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Installing water meters in your home is a great way to control its consumption, which, in turn, will reduce your payment costs. utilities. The use of meters is a mandatory requirement enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Modern manufacturers offer consumers a wide selection of devices, so it’s worth figuring out which water meter is best for an apartment, and what to look for when purchasing it.

Types of water meters

When planning to purchase a water meter, you should take into account that household meters can differ significantly from each other. First you need to decide on the type of water supply on which the device will be installed. According to this criterion, modern water meters are divided into the following types:

  • for cold water;
  • for hot water;
  • universal.
  • There are no differences in the operating principle of this equipment. They differ only in the materials used in their production.

    There are water meters that require an electrical connection, and those that work without a network. You can find units of imported and domestic production on sale.

    It is advisable to ask the specialist who will carry out the installation about which device is more reliable. He will tell you what types of water meters there are for an apartment, what requirements they must meet, and which option is optimal for installation in a particular room.

    Water meters are classified according to their operating principle. They are divided into:

    • vortex,
    • ultrasonic,
    • electromagnetic,
    • tachometer.

    Vortex and ultrasonic water meters are designed to measure large volumes of liquid, therefore they are usually used for industrial purposes.

    Features of mechanical and electronic water meters

    Mechanical (tachometer) water meters are the most popular type of measuring instruments. They are divided into:

  1. Single jet. The principle of their operation is based on counting the number of revolutions of the impeller rotating under the influence of water flow. The counting mechanism is isolated from the liquid, which improves the accuracy of measurements. Thanks to the design features of the device, antimagnetic protection can be installed on it.
  2. Multi-jet. The measured water flow is divided into several jets immediately in front of the impeller blades.

Mechanical devices are used in great demand thanks to the following features:

  • compact size;
  • long service life (on average 12 years);
  • ease of installation and dismantling, which is especially important during verification;
  • acceptable price.

The disadvantages of the equipment include the insufficient accuracy of flow determination compared to electronic analogues.

Electronic devices are more expensive - the cost of the device is 4-5 times higher than the price of mechanical analogues.

Their main advantage is the high accuracy of readings, as well as the fact that the quality of work is not affected by the density, temperature or viscosity of the liquid.

The chemical and physical properties of water negatively affect the accuracy of the data. Mechanical impurities in the liquid can distort the results after a year of use.

An equally important disadvantage is the dependence on electricity. Network outages lead to their shutdown.

Measuring instruments with temperature sensor

When selecting equipment, you should take into account the frequency of power outages. If the lights are turned off regularly, purchase electronic device will be a waste of money.

Residents of high-rise buildings, who often have to suffer from unstable hot water supply or inconsistency in its temperature, are interested in which water meters are best to install so as not to pay for poor-quality services. Purchasing expensive equipment with a temperature sensor will reduce utility costs.

The cost of the device is an important criterion for selecting equipment. The market is oversaturated with a variety of offers, but the consumer has the opportunity to choose a metering device designed for any budget.

Concluding the conversation about how to choose a water meter, let’s look in more detail at the manufacturing companies and discuss whose products are in greatest demand among Russian consumers.

Water meter manufacturers

Citizens Russian Federation have the opportunity to choose between water measuring instruments created by domestic manufacturers and manufactured at foreign enterprises.

Modern brands of meters have different bore diameters and installation lengths, which allows you to choose designs that are ideal for a particular case. If necessary, you can purchase a meter with vertical installation.

Foreign measuring instruments

The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not prohibit the use of water meters created outside the country.

The rating of water meters for apartments is headed by products from German manufacturers. These are designs from the Sensus and Zinner brands. The latter are also produced in Russia under license. Equally popular are devices manufactured in:

  • Canada (“Viterra”);
  • France (“Actaris”);
  • Italy (“Valtec”);
  • Poland (Metrol).

When making a choice, you should take into account the compatibility of specific devices with Russian communication networks, as well as the sensitivity of the mechanisms to water quality.

Russian water meters

You shouldn't think that best counters waters are foreign. In fact, this is not always the case. Thus, specialists at Mytishchi Heating Network manufacture products from parts supplied by foreign companies.

Despite the fact that the functionality of Russian devices is limited, they are highly reliable and can last for a long period without replacement.

In the apartments of citizens of the Russian Federation, equipment developed and manufactured by companies is often installed:

  • "Betar"
  • "Meter"
  • "Staroruspribor" and a number of other enterprises.

The price of domestically produced household water meters is much lower than their foreign counterparts. Those who decided to support a Russian manufacturer will pay 1.5-2 times less.

  • Vodokanal,
  • a company licensed to provide this type of service.
  • It is not allowed to install water meters on old pipes, as this can lead to an accident. The homeowner will have to contact the management company with an application for a replacement.

    In case of refusal, you need to write an application for an inspection and drawing up a report confirming the technical condition of the pipes.

    Before the beginning installation work The mechanic is required to shut off the water in the riser. After completing the work and checking the device, a work completion certificate is drawn up, which must be signed by the applicant.

    With this document, the owner of the apartment applies to the management company, whose employee will seal the device and record its indicators in the appropriate journal.

    Detailed information about the procedure for installing and registering water meters is presented in the article. Lawyer. Member of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg. More than 10 years of experience. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, and land law.

    In order to pay only for the water you use, you need to install a water consumption meter or, as they say, water meters in your apartment. What kind of water meters are there and which ones are suitable for household use and we'll figure it out.

    Water meters are installed so as not to pay “for the neighbor”

    Types and types of water meters

    There are several types of water meters, but they can all be divided into two main groups: non-volatile (use mechanical processes) and volatile (require electricity).

    In general, there are four types of counters:

    From all that has been said above, it turns out that in our real conditions- old pipes and not the cleanest water - only tachometer meters are suitable. They are basically installed.

    Types of tachometer counters

    Mechanical meters are good because they do not require any additional conditions to operate. There is a flow of water - they work, if there is no flow - they stand still. But they don’t really like prolonged downtime - due to the presence of salts in the water, the impeller or turbine may stop rotating. This means that you will need to change the meter.

    Classification by water temperature

    Water flow metering devices (this is official name) available for cold and hot water. They differ in the operating temperature range:

    • for cold the maximum is +30°C;
    • for hot +130°C;
    • universal - operating temperature range - up to +90°C.

    Even if the water meters are of the same type and have the same manufacturer, the difference in price is noticeable. But it is justified - heat-resistant materials are used for hot water supply, and they are much more expensive. So that they can be easily distinguished externally, the cases are painted in different colors - meters for cold water are usually blue, for hot water - red, universal meters are orange.

    According to the operating principle

    With the general principle of operation, this type of water meters has several varieties. First, there are two operating principles:

    But not everything is so simple: multi-jet tachometer water meters are available only for large pipe diameters (more than 40 mm in diameter). They are not suitable for apartments.

    According to the installation method of the counting and rotating mechanism

    More relevant for us is the division according to the method of installing the counting mechanism. Based on this criterion, water meters are divided into dry and wet. When wet, the counting mechanism sits in water, so it quickly breaks down. In dry-type devices, the counting mechanism is separated from the water by a plate and they operate longer.

    There is another type of tachometer counter - valve counter. This type of water meter is additionally equipped with a shut-off valve that allows you to shut off the water. It is difficult to say why this may be needed, because when installing it, a shut-off valve must be placed in front of the water meter. It is needed in case you need to change or check the meter; this tap is used to turn off the water if necessary.

    There is a turbine or impeller inside tachometer meters; accordingly, they are divided into turbine and impeller. The whole difference is in the location of the axis of rotation. In vane engines it is perpendicular to the flow, in turbine engines it is parallel, although the shape of the rotating wheel is identical. Vane water meters are more sensitive and can measure weak water flows, but they have a drawback - they almost completely block the flow of water, which reduces the throughput of the water supply system. The second disadvantage is that if there is a malfunction (if the impeller stops rotating), the flow is almost completely blocked.

    NameFor what kind of water?TypeBore diameterInstallation lengthMin/max flowConnection dimensionsPrice
    SVK -15-3-2 "Arzamas"universalvaned dry-propelled15mm110 mm0.06 - 3 m3/hourthread G3/4600 rub
    VSKhN DN 25cold watervane single-jet25 mm260 mm0.07-7 m3/hourthread 1” 1/4”72$

    VSGN-25 DN
    hot watervane single-jet25 mm260 mm0.14-7.3 m3/hourthread 1” 1/4”87$
    VALTEC VLF-R-Luniversalvaned dry-propelled15 mm110 mm0.01-3 m3/hourthread 1/2"800 rub
    ITELMA IS.160005 (vertical installation allowed)hot watervaned dry-propelled15 mm110 mm without fittingsup to 3 m3/hourG3/4""890 RUR
    PULSE 15-X (vertical installation allowed)coldWinged, dry-propelled15 mm80 mm without bendsup to 3 m3/hourthread 1/2"730 rub.

    To combine the advantages of both types of rotating elements, a combined tachometer water meter was invented. It contains both a turbine and an impeller. When the water flow rate is low, it is supplied to the impeller, and when the water flow rate is high, it is supplied to the turbine. But the cost of this type of equipment is already quite high.

    One more point: turbine water meters are produced with diameters starting from 40 mm, so for apartment owners, in fact, there is no choice. We have to install vane water meters - others are simply not suitable.

    Additional features

    To automate the process of taking readings, there are special pads (based on reed switches or with radio transmission). They are not compatible with all devices, so water meters are usually sold with such additions.

    There are vane DHW water meters with the ability to control temperature; they can also be called multi-tariff meters, since they calculate and record the amount of water consumed at different temperatures. They are relevant for those countries in which a recalculation mechanism has been developed. Russia also applies to them (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2012 No. 354).

    Multi-tariff hot water meters have a small processor and memory capacity, and most often operate from a rechargeable battery. Since only a few sensors, a microprocessor and memory require power, the consumption is very small. One power supply is enough for 5-8 years.

    Temperature data is stored in the microprocessor memory, from where it can be retrieved. The memory is periodically cleared, so checking must be done periodically.

    Water is an invaluable resource that is vital for every living organism. But it is a product for which the owner - the state - must be paid. In Russia, meters are installed to record water consumption. Moreover, the right to choose a device remains with the owner of the home. This has given rise to a huge range of products, due to which each of us at least once in our lives has had the question: which water meter is better? Our article will help you understand this.

    The law requires it

    Previously, residents themselves chose how to pay for consumed water - according to the standards established by law or based on the readings of the water consumption meter. But with the entry into force of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009, number 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” the installation of water meters has become a mandatory procedure for all citizens of the country. However, the law does not regulate which recording device should be installed.

    Only owners of housing that is officially recognized as dilapidated, or where communications are severely worn out and need to be replaced, can evade this obligation. In addition, all owners of apartments where installing a cold water (or hot) meter is not possible due to the design features of the water supply system are exempt from it. In this case this fact must be proven and documented in housing and communal services.

    Types and types of water meters

    Water consumption is classified according to several criteria. According to their purpose, they are divided into industrial and household subspecies. We will not dwell on the first type, but the second type of device requires a more detailed consideration.

    Household appliances are usually divided into two groups:

    1. “Wet” meters, in which the recording device is directly connected to an impeller or turbine rotated by a flow of water.
    2. “Dry” water meters, the design of which has two separate sections for water consumption indicators and recording devices.

    When deciding the question “which water meter is better,” one cannot ignore the design of the recording device. It, in turn, depends on the device group and has its own distinctive properties.

    Mechanical or tachometer instruments

    Mechanical meters can be installed to register both cold and hot water. We will look at the fundamental differences between devices adapted to operate in a certain temperature range a little later. Now let's study their design and operating principle.

    Tachometer water meters can belong to the “dry” and “wet” groups. The representative of the first is Valtec. This type of water meter records readings by rotating a turbine located in the pipe. The top of the impeller has a magnet that attracts the metal recorder plate and causes it to rotate. Such water meters are reliably protected from leaks and have high durability.

    In “wet” instruments, the turbine is rigidly connected to the tachometer. Rotated by the flow of water, it transmits force to a system of stars that determine the speed of rotation of the dial. The advantages of such water meters include a simple design, and the disadvantages are a high risk of clogging the water supply.

    Electromagnetic water meters

    It is impossible to say exactly which water meter is better - electromagnetic or mechanical. It all depends on the characteristics of the watercourse and the design of the water supply system. Thus, electromagnetic devices, among other things, require a constant connection to the power supply, however, unlike tachometer devices, they transmit more accurate readings.

    The operating principle of such water meters is based on the rotating impeller creating an electromagnetic field, and the higher the flow speed (the greater the water flow), the faster the induction field rotates. The device displays readings on an LCD display, making them easy to read.

    Differences between meters for hot and cold water

    The operating principle of hot and cold water meters is the same. Both types of devices can be either mechanical or electromagnetic. But the SGV water meter (for a hot pipeline) has some design features:

    1. It is made from heat-resistant materials that have a low linear expansion coefficient. This prevents leaks from occurring when the device heats up.
    2. In its design, it has special reinforced gaskets, which also prevent leaks.

    Cold water meters are marked with the letter “X”, hot water meters with “G”. It is not recommended to swap them, that is, install the dry storage unit on the hot water pipeline and vice versa.

    What else to consider when choosing a meter?

    When choosing which water meter is better, we must not forget about the correspondence of the inlet opening of the device to the diameter of the pipeline. Without taking this fact into account, you will have to either use adapter pipes or completely abandon the installation of the purchased device.

    The second important factor is the material of manufacture. The main ones are copper and brass. The use of other metals and alloys is not recommended, as they release harmful substances into the water. Moreover, it is better if the counter has a natural color and is not covered with paint.

    You cannot ignore how much a water meter costs. Mechanical devices have a lower price compared to electromagnetic ones, but their accuracy is much lower. In turn, tachometer water meters are more durable and easier to use. The specific cost of the device also depends on the brand of the manufacturer.

    Water meter manufacturers

    Valtec supplies high-quality devices to the domestic market. The Italian-made water meter is reliable and durable; it can be mechanical or electromagnetic. Most models are equipped with a pulse device for remote reading of readings.

    Water meters from Zenner, whose representative offices are located in more than forty countries around the world, have also proven themselves to be excellent. Among other popular foreign manufacturers, it is worth noting the companies Viterra, Siemens, Wehrle.

    Among domestically produced devices, one can highlight Betar meters. Mainly due to their price. The average cost of devices is in the range of 500-1100 rubles, which, combined with acceptable durability, makes them profitable.

    Among other domestic manufacturers, one can note the Meter company and the Mytishchi Heating Network enterprises. Their instruments are high quality, reliable and accurate. They are adapted for various pipe diameters. In addition, their products allow you to not pay attention to how much a water meter costs. The average price for devices is in the range of 500-900 rubles.

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