White cat dream book meaning. The snow is pure white fluffy. Leaves home

As most interpretations testify, a white cat in a dream symbolizes hidden danger. Based on the plot of the dream, the dream book suggests possible options predictions about why a white cat dreams. In the above interpretations, we often encounter dishonest and ungrateful “comrades” who are skilled at ingratiating themselves into trust.

The interpretation applies not only to specific individuals, but also to intangible objects, such as unfavorable circumstances or poor health. The dream symbolizes uncertainty and confusion, reminds you of the need to take control of the situation and rely only on yourself. There are also positive interpretations that promise the dreamer pleasant surprises.

What a white cat dreams of is more likely to alarm than please the dreamer, warns the Vedic dream book. This image represents in a dream a rather serious trouble, dangerous because at first nothing foretells trouble. The source of trouble is often the person you are used to trusting. He, like no one else, knows the weak points, which he will use for his own purposes.

Why you dream of a white fluffy cat is often explained in the dream book by promiscuity in dating. Unfortunately, appearances are deceiving; even the nicest and most sociable people can turn out to be scammers or representatives of a totalitarian sect. It’s not without reason that something alarms you about your new acquaintances, who at first glance are so white and fluffy.

When should the dreamer be especially vigilant?

Explaining why a woman dreams of a white cat, the dream book advises taking a closer look at your husband or regular partner. According to the interpretation, what was seen in a dream directly indicates the lover’s tendency to have affairs on the side. His skill and tirelessness could be the envy of any March cat.

If you dreamed of a white cat in your arms, it seems that you are dealing with an insidious enemy who is no stranger to manipulating people, the dream book warns. With him light hand you risk finding yourself in an unenviable position, while his reputation remains impeccable. If you don’t take precautions, you will only have yourself and your own gullibility to blame - that’s what this dream is about.

When a black and white cat appears in a dream, expect surprises from an old friend. You couldn't even imagine what capabilities he actually has. But it seemed that you knew almost everything about him.

Aesop's Dream Book urges you to take care of your health when you see an exclusively white cat in a dream. There are examples where asthma sufferers have had similar dreams on the eve of another attack. It is quite possible that in this case we are just talking about a cold or bronchitis - less serious diseases that have similar symptoms.

Your life is now on the edge of a cliff and at any moment it can slide down an inclined plane in the direction of chaos and disorder - this is what white cats dream about. At the same time, the dream book claims that for now the situation is in your hands. To correct it, you will need all your willpower and moral principles.

Hello! 🤗

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night️ 🌃.

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    12-Mar-2018 Andrey:

    Everyone is interested in who dreamed what. Write to general theme, and not describe your dreams. Whether the vision of a cat came true or not. This is some interesting information, but everyone just wants their beloved attention to be explained and the dream to be interpreted.

    Today I dreamed that I was visiting and was going to the bathroom to wash my hands before sitting down at the table. A little girl runs in there and I lift her up so that she can reach the sink and also wash her hands. In my hands she turns into a white cat with blue eyes, and this cat greedily drinks water from the tap. The dream has already come true. A friend called and asked how I was doing. I told her that I haven’t been feeling well for the last two days, I say maybe I caught the virus. And it turns out she called to ask me to babysit her little son and abandoned this idea after learning that I was not very healthy. A little girl in a dream means surprise. My friend hasn’t called for a long time and never asked me to babysit. This is truly a surprise. I think in this story the white cat is my ailment.

Deciphering why a white cat is dreamed of, seers talk about the hidden danger that the animal symbolizes. There is a friend nearby, you completely trust him. But in reality he is playing his own game. The dream book advises you to take a closer look not only at those around you, but also to closely monitor current events and health. Ambiguous circumstances may arise. It would be more correct to try to completely control the situation, without relying on the support of others. But the dream book sometimes interprets a dream in a positive context, promising a person joyful surprises and fun.

Interpretation of Vanga

The white color of the animal portends financial difficulties. Troubles can be minor, such as delayed wages, or serious, such as dismissal from work.

Vanga's dream book divides dreams depending on the gender of the person.

If the white animal that a man sees is outbred, gastrointestinal diseases may develop. To prevent this, adjust your diet.

Why do you dream of two animals, one of which is snow-white? This means that a person faces a difficult choice. If the second one is red-haired, the relatives live at his expense.

Why does a woman dream about a white cat? Vanga warns that they will try to involve her in a dubious enterprise that will lead to trouble.

Feeding an animal with light fur in a dream foreshadows that problems will not be solved soon, get ready for a long wait.

A fight between white and black (or red) cats means endless quarrels and conflicts in the family.

Miller's Predictions

Miller's dream book warns that this animal in a dream foreshadows major troubles. The main danger is that when it is still possible to correct the situation, everything looks fine. Probably the source of problems is a person who is completely trusted. This person knows all your weaknesses and easily uses the situation for his own benefit.

Why do you dream of a white and fluffy cat? You are indiscriminate in communication. People who look kind and friendly are most likely swindlers or representatives of a totalitarian sect. The Dream Interpretation recommends not trusting new acquaintances, not being frank with them, privy to secret plans. The consequences may become irreparable.

Take extra care

Why do you dream of a white cat lounging freely in your arms? You have an insidious ill-wisher. He masterfully manipulates people. The Muslim dream book draws attention to the fact that there is a risk of getting into a dirty story and ruining your reputation, while the enemy in the eyes of others will remain “white and fluffy.”

Aesop's Dream Book urges you to take care of your health; problems with the respiratory system are possible; asthmatics will have a severe attack.

In addition, seers warn: snow-white cats appear in dreams before global changes. Your fate is now being decided. At any moment, your usual way of life can collapse, and you will slide down. Much depends on your actions, moral principles and willpower.

A black and white cat in a dream means that an old friend will amaze you with his capabilities. But it seemed like you knew everything about this man.

Night visions where a white cat dreams are interpreted differently for each person. In some dreams, this animal is considered a symbol of well-being, while in others it can portend trouble and help prevent the development of undesirable events in life. Despite the fact that white color means purity, in the dream book a cat of this color means emptiness and trouble. The dream is correctly interpreted depending on what additional details appeared in this night picture.

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    What danger does a dream about a white cat foretell?

    The interpretation of a vision about a white cat can upset the dreamer. This harmless animal does not foretell the best events for humans. The image of a cat symbolizes troubles that will not appear gradually, they will fall on a person at the most inopportune moment. A friendly white creature comes in dreams to predict betrayal. The source of the troubles that arise will be the person from whom it was least expected. This could be a work colleague, especially if a man is dreaming.

      For a woman, the arrival of a white cat means deceit and gossip behind her back. The subconscious, with the help of a memorable image, tries to protect a person from future problems. This picture is alarming that negative events will ultimately bypass the dreamer.

      A fluffy white cat speaks of promiscuity in communication. After all, a cute image with a pleasant appearance can carry a secret threat. To avoid unpleasant things, you should be wary of people you recently know. It is not recommended to get close to anyone for several days; a white and fluffy companion may turn out to be not who he said he was.

      Miller's Dream Book

      A white cat predicts problems in money relationships. The vision means a small loss, but it can also portend serious financial problems. George Miller divides the meaning of this dream depending on the gender of the dreamer. It is important not to miss the details that were present in this dream in order to make an accurate analysis of the prediction.

      For men, this dream foreshadows a number of unpleasant events:

      • A light cat in a dream predicts for a man the appearance of a woman who will have all his attention, but the love will not be mutual.
      • A white yard cat signals an imminent disease of the digestive system.
      • A scratching animal predicts problems at work that will arise due to the dreamer's inattention.
      • If you dreamed of a white cat rubbing itself at the feet of a sleeping person, then in life you should not show trust in new acquaintances.

      For a woman, the appearance of a cat with white fur, according to Miller’s dream book, predicts the following:

      • For a woman, an animal of a light shade means deception, unreliable transactions that you should beware of.
      • Driving away a white cat in a dream means getting rid of your rival and maintaining a warm relationship with your boyfriend.
      • If you dream that a person is feeding a cat, this means unresolved problems.
      • Watching a white animal fight with other cats of different colors is a sign of unwanted changes in the family.

      White kitten in a dream: meaning

      The image of this small defenseless creature symbolizes the dreamer's vulnerability. The dream book interprets its appearance in different ways. For a girl, the appearance of a beautiful kitten in a dream predicts the appearance of a man in her life who will not have serious intentions; she risks being left with a broken heart.

      For men, holding a newborn kitten in their arms means a number of troubles in the workplace. For future newlyweds, the image of this creature portends an unfavorable time for concluding a marriage; it is worth holding off on it.

      A light-colored kitten with fleas in a dream predicts a serious quarrel in the company of friends. Fleas in the fur of this animal also signal danger in communicating with some people; a kitten that bites the dreamer has the same meaning.

Why you dream of a white cat depends on which dream book you look at; they interpret the appearance of a snow-white animal in a person’s dreams in different ways. But most often it means danger, emptiness, trouble and disappointment.

Vedic dream book

The interpreter gives such a dream several definitions.

  • If in a dream a person sees a cat with white fur, then in reality he will be betrayed by a good friend or even a relative.
  • A white cat sitting in your arms is a warning: there is an enemy among your inner circle.
  • Killing a cat with white fur means exposing a hidden enemy in the very near future.

Maly Velesov dream book

The cat is a symbol of hypocrisy, deceit of friends, and danger.

  • Seeing a white cat in a dream means there is a thief among the people around you. If an animal gets into the house, there is a possibility of a theft or theft.
  • A white cat visible in the distance means danger awaits you on the way.
  • If an animal bites or scratches, in reality a person will face betrayal, and adultery is also possible.
  • Seeing a lot of white cats means you have enemies in your team.

Why might a big white cat dream? This is a warning symbol. In real life, another person takes credit for the fruits of your labors. Another interpretation: you should not make quick decisions. The next steps need to be carefully considered.

Why might a woman dream of a white cat? For a married lady this is a warning. You need to control your significant other a little: perhaps he is having an affair. For a girl, the appearance of a white cat in a dream symbolizes an early meeting with a young man. A beautiful romance can develop into a serious relationship.

Russian folk dream book

This interpreter says that the snow-white cat the woman saw in her dream is a lonely man of good appearance, inclined to “take a walk on the side.”

If a man dreams of a snow-white cat, then the woman decided to use him for personal purposes.

Big dream book

He gives the following interpretations to the dream:

  • a cat with kittens - a family scandal or deception on the part of loved ones;
  • attack by a flock of adult cats - slander or “attack” from enemies;
  • sleeping kittens - the need to complete an important task; meowing - you are surrounded by fake friends.

A wet animal is the personification of anger and malice.

If in a dream a white cat asks for affection, useless purchases await the person ahead.

Feeding or petting an animal means receiving ingratitude in real life.

A cat is a frequent human companion both in real life and in dreams. However, this sign should not be considered useless. Often it can portend danger, and if interpreted correctly, it can protect you from difficult troubles. Although white color is considered a symbol of purity and innocence, in this case a cat or kitten of this color symbolizes emptiness, ruin and trouble. Remember the details, often they are the most important in dreams.

Vedic dream book

  • Seeing a cat in a dream is a bad sign. It promises you some danger. If it has light hair, you will be betrayed by friends or loved ones.
  • A white cat sits in your arms - you trust others too much, there are enemies among them, they are plotting a secret plan against you. Be careful.
  • Killing or strangling a light-colored cat means quick exposure of the traitor; you will recognize your enemy by sight.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • A cat is the personification of a hypocrite or a deceitful friend, danger on your way.
  • White - there is a thief nearby. If he came into the house or made his way through a window (attic, basement) - watch your things, possible theft or theft.
  • Seeing a light-colored cat in the distance means danger awaits you.
  • Bitten or scratched - betrayal of a loved one, possible betrayal or marital lie.
  • There are a lot of white animals around - you are surrounded by crafty people, enemies in the team.

Russian folk dream book

  • A cat is a rather complex symbol of dreams, sometimes implying different and contradictory interpretations, it all depends on the case and details. Why these animals are dreamed of even depends on the gender of the dreamer.
  • A cat for a woman can mean a lonely man, however, prone to “walking”. You should be careful in making new acquaintances. White - you can be fooled appearance and the impression made of a new friend.
  • Men dream of a cat - an independent woman. White cat - they want to use you for their own purposes.
  • Scratching your hand means they are plotting an insidious plan against you.

Dream book for the whole family

  • Wet cat - anger, rage.
  • A white person comes or is caressed - to useless purchases.
  • A white kitten means minor troubles.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

  • Seeing a cat in a dream means evil forces are triumphant; a white one means the enemy is very close.

Dream interpretation of the medium Hasse about a white cat

  • Feed or pet - ingratitude awaits you.
  • There are a lot of white kittens - you are surrounded by dishonest people who are ready to betray for the sake of profit.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • This dream book says that, regardless of the situation, sleeping with a cat means instability and an unexpected turn in the situation.
  • Seeing a kitten means being lonely; your loved ones will not support you.
  • I dream of a beautiful white cat - an insidious temptress.
  • A woman dreamed of a light fluffy cat - do not trust the men around you.

Ancient Russian dream book

  • A light cat lies on the grass - imaginary success in business.
  • A cat with kittens means unpredictable losses, possible problems for loved ones, which will fall on your shoulders.
  • Black and white - lose property.

Idiomatic dream book

  • A white cat on the stove means laziness and idleness.
  • A white cat meows - anxiety, vanity.
  • A small kitten is a nuisance.

Big dream book

  • A cat with white kittens is a scandal in the family; your loved ones will deceive you.
  • Adult cats attacked you - you will be slandered, a possible real attack by enemies.
  • Sleeping white kittens - incompleteness of important matters, success, but incomplete.
  • They meow and ask for food - surrounded by unfaithful friends.
  • A white kitten for a woman means your children are deceiving you; for a man, common sense will help you avoid trouble.
  • Frisky fluffy ones - success and success in work.
  • Thin and shabby - troubles at work, waste or frustration.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

  • These animals in dreams are an extremely ambiguous symbol; deciphering it can sometimes be very difficult. Their image can both predict something and simply arise as a result of memories of the subconscious. Often the interpretation of a dream may be similar to folk wisdom, for example, “the cat cried,” “in a bag,” “a cat walking by itself.”
  • The color of the animal in a dream also matters. For example, a black cat or cat is a nuisance, anger of people.
  • White – deceit, betrayal of loved ones.
  • Red - unpredictability of actions around you.
  • The kitten is black and white - you will be able to avoid danger.
  • Washing - to the guests.
  • Cat with kittens - children are deceiving you.
  • To see a dead cat or how it dies - perhaps in reality someone from your environment will get sick, his sudden death.
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